John Robie

It's a sliding scale, but generally the statute of limitations starts to toll at the point in time when everyone who died in a given tragedy would be dead anyway of natural causes.

I'd check it out, but it's not worth going to reddit.

@avclub-8f09b270dacd2e783d0c25f669670902:disqus I had to pay the iron price for my laptop.

DSF - dispatching hair gel and Ed Hardy T-Shirts to the worlds neediest hotspots….

Backup Jr. is a sloth in a fedora. He's fucking adorable.

I think the one page, 8 word origin story in All-Star Superman is my favorite.  It hits all you really need to know about the character.

I thought Matt Damon in a prosthetic nose was for Terry Gilliam's Dikachu biopic.

I didn't like Return of the Bling because it left out the whole Scouring of the Sephora chapter.

I'm pretty sure they can in Southern California. (The plastic surgery part, at least).

I know this is a minority opinion, but I think there was a lot of good in Superman Returns.  Routh was good as Superman, the shuttle/airplane setpiece was great, the guy firing the gatling gun at Superman (and the bullet bouncing off his eyeball) was really good…it was just that the two main plots of the movie were

It's your last sentence that nails it cookie, there's no such thing as a bad character, only bad writing.

Totally agree with @TaumpyTearrs:disqus and @avclub-58b5e1181aef482ae9d3f57afb3baa76:disqus .

Sure but what does Dissolve think?

Nope, rejected it out of hand due to a dire lack of Space Squid.

Weevil's motorcycle?  I thought she was more a ":village bicycle" type.

So has Amanda Seyfried signed up yet to play the ghost of Lily Kane?

@avclub-d1348cfe54a94fe6f986775cedd75fdd:disqus I'll be damned, in my memory she was the red-headed secretary, which clearly she was not. Oops. Sorry.

Josie and the Pussycats is an unappreciated masterpiece.

It was the 90's, everyone worthwhile hated almost everything.

@avclub-c254eaf30893f49706260c2d22fe6148:disqus That's really funny, and probably accurate.  Basically (combining a few signifiers) thanks to Hollywood, it's impossible for a woman with a pixie haircut, glasses, and a British accent to avoid coming across as smart and interesting, even if she would otherwise be dull?