John Robie

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Also, along with lapels, suit coats and jackets are shorter and tighter, and it's nearly impossible to find a trenchcoat longer than thigh-length.

Reminds me of the Newsradio where [the red-headed secretary who wasn't]* Kathy Griffin got mad at Lisa for winning a "cute reporter" award, and ran through her classification scheme, in short: "Pretty means pretty. Cute means pretty but short and/or hyperactive - like me …Beautiful means pretty and tall. Gorgeous?

I blame that commercial for leading me into a crippling addiction in the hope that Rachael Leigh Cook would come over and smash up my kitchen.

The trick is, if you're ever captured by a movie-serial killer: always smash up their speaker first.  If they can't talk to you, they'll get bored and wander away.

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus Oh I forgot about that! She's the girl who eats everything monster of the week in Season 1.

Yeah, I clicked into this story specifically to ask the same thing.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I haven't seen it, but I think Amy Adams has the making of a good Lois Lane (she's about the only hollywood A-lister I can think of who could reasonably be described with the terms "brassy" and "dame") but I think she comes across as too much of a grown-up to play Mary

I thought the NPH duet with Audra Mcdonald was great, I didn't know Arthur Darvill was going to be on the show (or that he was on Broadway, or that he could sing).

Ultimates 3 doesn't count.  There was no Ultimates 3. What's all this crazy talk about Ultimates 3?

Isn't Oliver one of the main writers?

That's true, I wouldn't have known that, from the interview it sounded like it was a BBC decision.

@avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus well nothing's going to live up to that standard.

One of my favorites is from the New York parking ticket episode: "Aw…if only I didn't already have a pair of shoes"

re: Silver Agent, as with Wolverine, the mystery was more intriguing than the explanation.

His hair was a little too nice to be a tortured badass. 

"Gibbs regrets eating so much cheese…After these messages from our sponsors"

I was familiar with his work, and was really impressed with his interview on Citizen Radio.  Dude is a badass.

To say nothing of the increasing militarization of police forces. This was striking in the footage of armored police officers cruising around in (what looked like) Crusader armored vehicles during the Boston lockdown.

I thought Denzel was really good too. And Keanu didn't bother me because it's such an nothing role. There's really no motivation or depth there so a shallow wooden performance is pretty appropriate.

This is exactly right. I hated Keaton's Dogberry - though admittedly, part of that is my general dislike of the character.