John Robie

I've heard some clips, and I think Fillion might be the first actor I've ever seen to make Dogberry bearable.

He might play it that way - and it might be why he left without a fuss - but he was definitely encouraged to leave by Fox

One could make the argument that someone with a wealth of experience who chooses to be with you is more "trustworthy" because she's making an informed decision.

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus Are you sure about that? What if it was a man wearing a shiny shirt and a pair of aviator goggles who insults you?

Jesus that's fucking awful. I feel like we should start an AVClub Scholarship Fund or something.

Now that's a game show I would watch.

@Scrawler2:disqus I disagree - for a system like this to work, you need an, "honorable," reasonably (or at least plausibly) admirable and paragon-like king, and you need a sneaky political hatchetman to be his Hand.  A few particularly gifted rulers (Caesar Augustus come to mind) can fulfill both roles, but it's

Jaime's interesting because his tragedy is that he's stuck being a Lannister when he'd rather be a Stark-type.  As a clever-ass Lannister, he knows being all noble and shit doesn't really cut it in today's King's Landing, but that's what he wishes he could be.

Yeah, if you got a fucking  dire wolf, you listen to your dire wolf.

Edmure married a Frey. If the Freys want Riverrun, they need Edmure.

".. I have a message: Cateyln Stark's
plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. It spun and there
were no survivors."

Basically Robb Stark was/would have been a great king, but was a lousy politician.

That's pretty much my take on the entirety of the current DCU.

You're thinking of Bucky O'Hare.

Manderly's going to surprise some motherfuckers at some point.

I think killing Robb Stark was crucial for Martin to tell the kind of story he wanted to tell; it was the one thing that made clear this wasn't going to be a standard "you killed my father, prepare to die" fantasy story.

I'm pretty sure Londo saw something (an Angel with funny hair and a tentacle-schlong, perhaps), and lied about it - definitely to everyone else, and possibly to himself as well.

Yeah I thought Patterson Joseph would be good, but Chiwetel Ejiofor would be great.  He can project a great combination of friendly/comforting and terrifying.

@MisterHyde In my experience, "political correctness" is almost exclusively something whined about by people who feel their rights to say horrible things are being infringed upon.

I imagine a lot of Indians said the same thing ("GTFO of here, you already have England for the English!")