John Robie

I kind of wonder if this kerfuffle is making it less likely that the next Doctor will be black.  TV execs like to feel like they're super-important decision makers, and not like they're climbing down and bending to public pressure.

@avclub-cd01e5786d65f27654ca570edef28c69:disqus Come on, he's too old for that shit.

The trick is, you gotta check yourself before you wreck yourself.

That wasn't just some black dude, that was the butler from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air who McCoy talks to.

There was a lot of speculation that Patterson Joseph was the front-runner for Who after David Tennant. I kind of felt like the BBC blinked and went with the pretty young white boy instead, though Matt Smith has rocked the part.

I continue to be deeply offended by The Great Dictator

Imran Khan

And yet they make no mention of the BBC's falure to cast a black or Asian Hitler.

In Equilibrium he isn't particularly tough, but does get killed.

He's not Luke Cage, he wasn't wearing a tiara.  
I really hope it's Luke Cage.

Street Cars were also systematically bought up by a company owned by auto manufacturers and tire makers.  Whether this was a conspiracy to shut them down is a matter of some debate. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

That's what the cable companies always say, which means it's probably a self-serving lie.

He opposes torture and cable companies (I can't think of what the third thing is), which basically makes him the Radical Left-Wing Fringe of the Republican Party.

Hootie and the Blowfish…

I think "The People's Manifesto" might make a good NPR show.

No way - this is setting up an MST3K Gritty Reboot, directed by Michael Bay, starring Vin Diesel as Joel, with motion-capture CGI bots.

Not exactly - confirmation bias would be crediting opinions that bolster one's own. What I'm talking about here is a situation (as in the case of Iron Man 3) where I don't have an opinion (because I haven't seen the film), and am deciding whether or not to see it.

Spoiler law follows copyright law, so life of the creator plus fifty to one-hundred years, depending on the jurisdiction. 

Such a great line