John Robie

I really like this too. In addition to being a good movie, ducking out in mid-day to catch a matinee of it is about my only good memory from grad school.

My only problem with Har Mar Superstar is the false advertising.  I've been to Har Mar a bunch of times and I never once even saw him there.

I'm waiting…

I think RDJ probably hasn't been paid what he wants to be paid up to this point.  They're currently negotiating a contract to replace the one they signed before IM1, when he was perceived as a Lohan-level basket case.  I'm sure they got a good deal on him because they were taking a pretty big chance on him.

The point isn't that Mr. Dowd is inexperienced - clearly he's an experienced reviewer - but rather that many of us don't know him, and thus don't know how his tastes line up with ours.

It was pretty good, aside from the gaping plot holes.

Yes, we should replace it with the term "lil' comedy thing"

It may be because she's the most hated.

I've heard he's great at doing an impression of a normal person.

@avclub-ebaecc92914b0c48ee244d59fcc39102:disqus Totally! It's like when I'd turn on the TV on Monday nights and some jackass in a cowboy hat would be like "Are you ready for some football?!" And I'd be like "I turned on Monday night football, obviously I'm ready for some football, you sonofabitch, don't pander to me."

"I have a bad habit of ending up in places that seem too good to be true, right before the bottom falls out."  How long has Todd been here?

Yeah, I got to the end of this thread doing pretty much the same thing, and I concur with your comment :-(

@Scrawler2:disqus Yes they did.  (I believe).

"That's how you play it, Doom?  You motherless son of a witch, you'll find out how Luke Cage plays it! I'm comin' for you Doom! Someway, somehow..Luke Cage is gonna nail you to the wall!"  -Luke Cage

Are you kidding? That was literally the most hyperbolic thing in the history of language.

That's Harverd.

If you'd been trying harder, you'd have succeeded in falling asleep.

I remember when Deathstroke was introduced and was trying to brainwash/convert Robin into his protege.  I was a little disappointed that Batman never showed up to wreck Deathstroke for trying to jack his sidekick.

I remember enjoying it, but what sticks in my mind is that it had a great voice-acting cast.  And very TNG-heavy.

I wonder how much weight-throwing Bjork could  have done; she described it as such an unpleasant experience that she'd never make another movie.