John Robie

This country needs an organized Repeal The Second Amendment movement.  Not because it'd be likely to succeed, but just to drag the mid-point of the gun debate to a more reasonable place.

Regulation of business? In Texas?!

What you're writing about is clearly a pet peeve, and one that I mostly agree with but I don't think it's directly applicable to this video. She wasn't saying "don't be informed."  In fact she specifically suggested reading about and listening to coverage. She was talking specifically about graphic visual imagery.  I

Well no wonder you're so ravenous.

Well no wonder you're so ravenous.

I love a low percentage joke.

That's not really what she said at all, otherwise she wouldn't have suggested reading or listening to coverage.

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus I'm pretty sure that was the image that the New York Post put on their front page.  Which is, I think worse.  http://www.huffingtonpost.c…

I had no idea that she had a horse-dancing, Buffy-acting little sister.

I, for one, welcome the terrifying new regime.

Albeit one from a liberal ordnung

Dude! Don't tell him that! If Tim finds out you're not on Twitter, he'll come over and tweet at you in person.

No way! Swarthy Swede is the best!

Back when I knew him, he was just a captain.

To be fair to Baudelaire, rotoscoping technology was pretty primitive in the 1850s

For generations this country's been secretly run by the iluminati and the build-a-bear group.

Flying Verb.

Hey look, speaking as a man, we pretty much either have a personality or riches.  We lack the time and motivation to develop both at the same time. 

There were ZERO attacks on Texas during G-Dubs tenure in the Texas Air National Guard…

Is that a Girls reference?