John Robie

Yes, I think this is right.

This was the first episode I'd seen of this show, and I found it fairly easy to follow largely thanks to the allegedly unnecessary character exposition that preceded the fight. 

Batshark might have grown into a perfectly well-adjusted apex predator, but one night when he was just a small fry, his parents were murdered by a clownfish…

He needs all those pouches to carry his patriotism in.

I just hope it has the Russian psychic dog whose name I can't remember

Rocket Racoon is a racoon, with a rocket-ship (and giant guns).

Isn't providing opinions kind of the point here? And either they're all solicited (having a comment section could be seen as an implied solicitation) or none of them are solicited (because who would be soliciting them?). Unless… is the editorial staff commissioning some of you to write comments?

Man if I had a dollar for every time Emma Watson jacked all my bottled water…

It's like Smeagol/Gollum thing.

Many Bothans died to bring us this giant red NO.

They have been, but not for the reasons I expected. 

I think him in the hospital, starting the narration that I recall being the end of the book, something about "the edge" would be a pretty effective closing. 

The best part of every episode is when a guest asks Alec Baldwin if they can get some coffee. 

It was 23rd for me.  Though it was the first drawing.

Yeah I read "And while Irons broods over Ronan’s semi-return," and was briefly excited that Jeremy Irons was in this movie.  (It turned out Jeremy Irons isn't in this movie.)

Yes! The sinking ice.

meh, the cover for the import version was better anyway.

I thought we were still supposed to hate The Killers because they're not The Kills.

AS3: Prometheus Nodded
Shrug 4: Oceanus Farted
5rug: Cronus Belched

For serious?