John Robie

It looked like Mandarin had some dudes wired up with Zeke Stane's repulsor-powered explosive vests, and War Machine is off working for the government, so a future Iron Man movie could be a version of Armor Wars.

I just don't believe there's anything cool about Ultron.

So the Mandarin is Osama bin Laden/Bane (Osama Bane Laden), with Zeke Stane's knock-off Repulsor-powered terrorists, War Machine is Iron Patriot, and Captain America has the day off?

Yeah, I noticed that.  Doesn't a terrorist with a Captain America tattoo seem more like a Captain America problem?

"Due to budget constraints, the part of Amanda Seyfried shall be played by this adorable sloth."

Jeez, it was at like 300K an hour ago.

Pi was made for $60K.  That's not a to say that every movie - or even this movie - could be, but just because many movies cost $20 million doesn't mean every movie has to, especially if the writer, director and/or stars are willing to work for cheaper than their usual rate.

I get what you're saying here and I think it's a reasonable reaction, but based on my extremely (extremely) tangential contact with the industry, getting movies made is really hard, so I don't have a problem kicking in some money to help creative types make something I'm interested in seeing.

Hey, if they have the money to CG out Kristen Bell's massive pregnancy belly…
[ would have finished this sentence, but I had to rush off to give them money].

Yes. But don't worry, we'll still tell you when its time to buy more Ovaltine.

@avclub-4c56756898d633b36107f305da70351d:disqus Far worse are the fashion people who insist on calling them "a pant."  English may not make a lot of sense sometimes but there's no excuse for that sort of nonsense.

That's beautiful.

I fucking hate Man vs. Food.  The idea that wastefully stuffing food down your obese gullet is somehow heroic - or even socially acceptable - fills me with a 4 lb. serving of disgust and rage topped with melted cheese and rich creamery butter. 

She's no Mary Worth. 

Tom Hardy can only play the Dick Van Dyke role if he combines Bane-voice with a terrible cockney accent.

Reading through this thread, I was honestly surprised to find that Spin still existed.

And the little boy who nobody liked was Roy Cohn.

And now I'm picturing sitting down with the various directors of Bosom Buddies to discuss episodes they shot.

As I recall, the his shoes/footsteps were a large component of the sound of the movie.

I think I disagree with this about as much as it's possible to do so. But not everything works for everybody.