John Robie

Someday Nick Cage will pass that baton on the same way Michael Caine passed it to him, by leaving it in a flaming paper bag on his front porch and ringing the doorbell.

You just reminded me of the awesome Tricky cover of "Bad Dreams."  I have to go listen to that now.

But only if they use baby wipes, because otherwise, they're just not clean, and Terrance Howard won't touch you if you aren't clean.

"I saw you kill a dude, so now you gotta kill a dude for me, homes … or, you know, just kill me, because that would be much simpler for everyone.  Maybe I didn't think through this whole 'blackmailing a hitman thing.'  Hey is that a silencer? I've never seen one of those befo… "


They were using Duck-brand duct tape.  It is both Duck Tape and duct tape.

I think it's great that Lindsay Lohan can't even get hired to play a burglary victim in a movie about people stealing things from Lindsay Lohan. 

yep, I think that's the point.

@avclub-9b60cf1b2106f886f17cba2b1a0359b9:disqus If you've got missiles locked on your crotch, you can deploy your vajazzling as a chaff cloud.

Yeah, that Othello was really good, Brannagh's Iago was good, but Lawrence Fishburn was magnetic in it. I think the film cut the script more than I would have liked, but the performances were great.

Yeah Rear Window is essential, I also really like To Catch a Thief it doesn't have the gravitas of the Hitchcock classics, but it's totally perfect for what it is.  It's like a vacation.

I too prefer About A Boy (book and movie).  I encountered it in a time in my life when I too was doing "nothing" and I not only enjoyed it, but also found it helpful.

Tolkein was a brilliant world-builder - he defined the sandbox that many/most fantasy authors still play in - but as I recall it his characters, while compelling types, don't often feel like real people.

Warren Ellis's Iron Man: Extremis - to borrow DC terminology, this could be "All-Star Iron Man" it's freestanding, gets to the heart of the character, and does something new and interesting with him

I love Hemmingway (esp. Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea) but I think his lack of - or lack of understanding of - female characters is enough of a weakness that I wouldn't nominate him for "perfect."

That's a good point, Anathem is both huge and very well put together.

I wouldn't consider myself a Bogart fan, per se, but I think I could make a good case for three of his films being "perfect" in the sense that I wouldn't change a thing about them:
and The Maltese Falcon

I enjoyed her work as "wife in peril" in Drive the short-lived Nathan Fillion Death-Race-2000-meets-Twisted-Metal TV series.  Which, I just learned, also featured an early-career Emma Stone.

I believe I heard her on a podcast a couple months ago.  Sounded fairly happy, definitely alive.