John Robie

Was it something along the lines of:
"Astin Martins, too are lame. And only dorkwads drink martinis."

That's not really a fair comparison because No Retreat, No Surrender had a team of two guys playing Bruce Lee, while Dragon had to rely on just one.

Isn't the "Mainstream Country Music" of today just pop in a cowboy hat?

more of a dim young thing, I thought.

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus I noticed that too (and "leading him on") I think that's Fellowes' way of telling us that we're in the roaring ;20's now.  Like Ponzi and a jazz club - to say nothing of aspiring Bright Young Thing Rose - the language is a period indicator.

I was just pleased that Bates handled the Thomas situation without threatening to shiv Jimmy, because honestly, that's what I thought was coming.

That description of the wave coming out from the west coast, getting torn up on the mountains and rolling back is just about my favorite thing HST wrote.

If he throws darts in his lovers' eyes, just imagine what he does to casual acquaintances.

Probably sometime in the 70s, yes.  Presumably if Mad Men keeps going, it'll show us.

I'm just glad it looks like the interminable Bates-in-prison storyline is finally coming to an end - and I don't trust that it really is ending. I haven't understood or cared about anything that's happened inside the prison.  Why were there people who cared enough about keeping Bates in prison that they'd go to the

When discussing Edith's column, Cora said something along the lines of "Lord Grantham often leaps to decisions based on sensibilities that no longer have any relevance." And I think that was pretty much Fellowes giving the audience the theme of the season on a silver platter (with a side of salmon mousse)

Hell if Alison Brie's going to be Heihachi, go all out and make it a Tekken remake.

Unfortunately for him, the world already has one more Shia Labeouf-lookin-dude than it needs.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus I like to think this is a stage name, and her birthname was just unbelievably filthy.

Thor 2 is just going to be one long conversation between Thor and Shield personnel, wherein He tries to get them to bring Natalie Portman back from the island where they claim to have socked her away in The Avengers.  Eventually Nick Fury will have to admit that they had her killed.

Eh, you thin they're going to be hot, but you can never be sure if they're secretly in the Arcade Fire.  Most of Canada is, you know.

Save her for the Luke Cage/Iron Fist blaxploitation movie that's never going to happen

Save her for the Luke Cage/Iron Fist blaxploitation movie that's never going to happen

Save her for the Luke Cage/Iron Fist blaxploitation movie that's never going to happen

It's gotta be Sharon Carter - I was going to make a joke about her playing Diamondback (because there's no way the movie's going to have Diamondback) but I don't think the sarcasm would have come across.