John Robie

If it were possible to get to Abbottabad by boat, Martin would have had this thing wrapped up years ago.

Yet he doesn't surf.

I think the belief that people who are going to have cameras and microphones stuck in their faces anyway should refrain from commenting on serious topics because anonymous internet cranks think they're unqualified is kind of quaint.

I expected Argo to win all of the awards for everything because it's about Hollywood saving America.

I'm waiting for the post-conversion Imax ZD-3D

East Poshford-on-Wiggly

I'm not sure about that - I think that there was a definite element of being out of time, but it seemed to me to be less about recapturing the flavor of the late 60's and more about trying to trend chase the 70s.

I'm not sure about that - I think that there was a definite element of being out of time, but it seemed to me to be less about recapturing the flavor of the late 60's and more about trying to trend chase the 70s.

Something about a social baseline of repression makes transgression more interesting?

So why was this so good - even in the lesser post-Emma Peel incarnation, but The New Avengers so lame?

Yeah, Honey for the Prince and also A Touch of Brimstone. Not just for the fetishwear, but the Hellfire Club guys were unusually well acted too. And Steed's move with the dried pea is kind of his character in a nutshell.

Gosh, I was so focused on his douchebag moustache that I didn't even notice that he had multiple douchebag hats

Wait, we have to choose just one now?  My fantasies are going to require some drastic editing.

Five Seven Seven
Makes a haiku that isn't.
Counting is a pain.

I saw Al Pacino on broadway doing Salome years ago, and I've gotta say, while you don't see him very often, Quiet Pacino is fucking amazing.

Wow, I wasn't aware (or possibly forgot) all of that backstory.  It's too bad, GK is still getting grief for that.

I recommend a Hungry Man Frozen Turkey Dinner (AKA "My worst Thanksgiving ever" or "the taste of sadness").  It's really the perfect meal for that unique feeling of loneliness where it feels like literally everyone else in the world has someplace better to be.

Jesus effin Christ. That's amazing.  Also "Big Red Gnocchi."

@paraclete_pizza:disqus True. I was expecting them to be 3d and awful.  These are more South Park-esque

Hell, I'm so old I didn't even know the sexy was gone when he brought it back.  For all I know it's gone again, I can't keep track.