John Robie

Regarding the central mystery and who set up the plot, I think Morpheus both set himself up and fully intends to fight against his fate.

Can we say "dewback?" I thought that was racist.

Darth Robert Denby

"That thing Jeremy Renner's carrying in Hansel and Gretl!"

@avclub-61938d93498e7f0ed5e6527b1cee656a:disqus No, mostly people are commenting on things like the Daily Mail.  They're mad at you for the peculiar comment jihad you're waging here whenever anyone mentions the term "spoiler."
Just relax a little.

Maybe, but I think Thomas has quite a bit of self-loathing.  He schemes but doesn't necessarily leave himself with an out because he kind of wants to fail.

I hope you're taking notes, this is exactly what George Bush always thought he looked like.


So Branson's Uncle Jesse is going to show up to live in the attic and help raise the kid?

Lady Mary's Death Snatch Part III: This Time It's Personal.

Downton took the Saggy? Good for them.

He just happens to have been wrong about every single thing this season. 


Her treatment of her helper is a reflection of the warped way she perceives Mrs. Patmore. She feels so beat down and bossed around that she thinks that what being the boss means…

I wonder if part of the genesis of this plotline were all the Dr. Clarkson jokes circulating among Downton fans…

The Grimm brothers actually existed too.

Samuel L. Jackson: I'm tired of all these motherfuckin' giants in these motherfucking clouds.
Yes I made a Snakes on a Plane joke, yes I realize it's 2013.

Yeah I was dropping by to see if anyone was talking about Cooke's graphic novels too. I too think they're great (particularly The Hunter)

I agree, I thought this was a standout episode. 

I don't read Gawker, but I know that the same system has made comments virtually unreadable on Lifehacker.