Studley Hangwell

Oh OK. So this pirate walks into a bar and he's got this big ships wheel attached right at his groin. The bartender says, "what's up with the wheel?" and the pirate says, "Arrrrrr, it's driving me nuts!"

You can find one… (smugly looks over the top of reading glasses) …at the library under the name Daniel Defoe.


He did indeed and it was panned like a motherscratcher. I think it was too stinky even for My Year of Flops to consider.

What do you mean? Problems with the quality? Problems with some people posting too much? Problems with offensive language? Please be more specific so that I may endeavor to avoid contributing to the downturn in your comments-reading experience.

Bon Jovi
just kicked his agent in the balls.

Wow, you should really be proud of the originality in your first. Embrace it. Put it on your resume. Your parents must be so proud.

If you're honest with yourself you'll see that there's a little bit of Nazi in all of us.

I'm partial to FemBots myself.

Aside from his successful films, recent weight loss, and refusal to cast Jason Mewes in anything, what differences do you see between yourself and Peter Jackson?

Is this appearance at Carnegie Hall designed to openly contradict the axiom that the only way to Carnegie Hall is through practice practice practice?

It's about a hockey team called the Werewolves and they are from London, Ontario. They've got a big forward who delivers a wicked cross check that literally rips an opposing player's lungs out. Then late in the third an errant puck flies into the stands and hits an old lady in the face leaving her looking mutilated.

Shit man, I enjoy a good argument as much as the next guy but is this really something worth getting worked up over? Seriously? Your fighting over who like the line "You're a sick fuck, Fink" more?

My shwantz is so big I have to sleep on my side so airplanes don't fly into it.

Nabin's series is called Nashville or Bust. I assumed the entry on Dolly would be the last.

I have been a total prick to any and all attractive women who work for me and I have also been very specific about when my wife will be out of town and yet not a one has come to my house and tied me up.

She's got that manic pixie… aw fuck that shit.

If this guy can afford the X-Prize, being out $5 isn't gonna kill him.

I fucking love that movie, gaping plot holes and all.

Did you at least receive Skinemax quality and sound?