Studley Hangwell

Permit me to tinkle on the ivories…

a Dana Carvey fiesta what with the Waynes Worlds being out on Blu Ray too.

We are assembled here today to pay final respects to our honored Chang. And yet it should be noted that in the midst of our sorrow, this departure takes place in the shadow of new tastes, the sunrise of new foodstuffs—a world that our beloved comrade gave his dignity to consume, for our entertainment. He did not feel

All this talk of Winona Ryder and Marisa Tomei make me think of one thing… Hangwell sandwich.

What's wrong with being racy?

I thought her name was Markie Post and she used to be on Night Court.

That fuckin' Carrot Top is a day glo nightmare these days. 'Roids and plastic surgery have not been kind to that freak of nature.

Nah, that's just an urban legend.

A few songs floundered because the bass player was a little shellfish.

The Lost Shel Silverstein…
Maurice Sendak is a No-Talent Hack

Note to self: Proofread your posts numbnuts.

Did they get issues a cetacean?

Unlock the jukebox and do us all a favor. That music's lost it taste so try another flavor.

Look no further for inspiration than that insightful tagline for High Hopes: "Impossible Dreams Require Impossible Plans"

Is there enough money in that gig to support yourself reasonably well?

missed it by that much.

The rum is for Biden. The Fleets are for America.

They should be forced to play the state song of Oklahoma.

::steps to the mic::

Not to mention that giant gateway looked like a spastic anus.