Studley Hangwell

Yeah, Kirk never struck me as a "details" kind of guy. I put the blame on Spock. He was supposed to act as Kirk's Blackberry. Logic would dictate that while the captain is occupied with shagging space tail the science officer would be responsible for keeping a check list and tying up loose ends.

Next time let's hope it's a lorry.

I've always wished they'd followed up on the V'ger storyline and gone in search of this planet of machines that V'ger supposedly stumbled upon. I mean couldn't they have extrapolated V'ger's flight path and sent a ship - the whole seek out new life and new civilizations thing.

A very good point.

I though having that creepy impersonal Nomad floating around amongst the crew added a bit of tension. The someone-walking-around-with-a-100-year-old-stick-of-dynamite-in-a-bowl-of-nitroglycerin - type of tension. One wrong word, one wrong move and Nomad goes apeshit and it's game over. V'ger was so frickin'

In Kansas they bought a bunch of Kindles, loaded up Origin of the Species and then burned them in the school parking lot.

The swarthy pirate aspect of the evil alternate universe always made that Enterprise seem like it would be a little more fun. Fuck the Prime Directive and all that goody goody shit.

Does this movie end with Kirk booting the Cloverfield monster into a time warp where it lands in present day Manhattan?

I'll fill you to The fucking rim Like Brim,
I'm walking down your block and you say that's him
There goes the guy with the funky sound
the Beastie Boys you know we come to get down
because I've got the flow where I grab my dick
and say oh my god, that's some funky shit

Nice beaver!

That better not be out before my Newton version is a go.

Paula is so hard to read, she plays hide and seek with her true intentions. If she's only playing games I'll just have to say—bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye.

After she gushed about how great the guys in The Flaming Lips are, the next question should have been about Arcade Fire.

Which cult requires more dedication? The cult of The Big Lebowski or the cult of Barton Fink?

I think he died in the attack on the first Death Star.

Perhaps it's time to move on to Kate Hudson bashing?

At a stretch, Dan in Real Life. Other than that… nothing.

True story, my first concert was Led Zeppelin at Madison Square Garden in 1973.

So will this be a Kelly Kapur spinoff or will she be leaving The Office (assuming it lasts until 2010) to star in this new show or will we be getting double Mindy-ed as she appears in two different shows? The mind boggles.

Bono's popularity has taken him right around the bend. He currently totters on the razor's edge where one small slip will land him in the realm of totally annoying. He risks the ruin of all the good deeds accomplished through his widespread fame.