
Absolute legend. I'll be watching Raw this Monday just to see his memorial. They better play fucking bagpipes.

Yeah I see mainly attractive people who, at one time, were also attractive.

I really want him to end his farewell address with, "You're welcome, America."

For some reason, she reminds me of the Kristen Wiig character with the tiny hands.

You can usually spot an O'Neal from the headline. When I saw "50 Cent gets rich, files for bankruptcy tryin'", my heart leapt. I knew he was back.

edit: Damn, someone already used my donut pun. I'm really [insert some other donut pun] about that.

True, but the primary cause of both losing frequently and being sexist is stupidity.

That had to be Caravaggio, right?

Sometimes, just to confuse me. You mean the one with the code or the one with the swords?


Seriously? The politics in House of Cards is more fantastical than in Westeros. What was subtle the political rationale behind shoving a girl in front of a train? This is a supposedly shrewd politician who personally commits multiple murders. The show literally begins with our protagonist breaking the fourth wall

I don't watch this white power propaganda. I think every race is amazing.

… if you're not into the whole specificity thing.

Cowherd is just as bad if not worse. I prefer comically absurd trolling to smug and snarky trolling.

His monologue should have been about his favorite toys from the 90s.

Americans and Justified. FX execs must not have the requisite dick-sucking skills.

I don't think Emmy voters even watch these shows. "Well it has Kevin Spacey, and we gave it awards last year. I think we can all assume it's good."

House of Cards is garbage. I stuck it out through season 1 and the first episode of season 2, and I can't comprehend the acclaim.

Sportscenter's Top 10 losers' gracious applauses.

They do, but now they can wear formal attire while winning.