
So much wrong with this list I don't know where to start, so I won't. The writeups themselves are obnoxious and pretentious, and it's clear he doesn't actually think much of Pink Floyd.

You mean a boat will float by with a sun-bleached skeleton holding the oars.

Goddammit I wanted to see her ride into Winterfell with an army of wolves. There's still time.

Theon has a Don Draper catharsis when he walks across the room and hugs Greyworm.
Then, in the most emotionally satisfying ending, Melisandre melds their junk

I say give the poor guy a break. He's clearly got Post Testicular Severance Disorder.

This summer …

Jared Kushner is basically Orin from Parks and Rec.

You wanted to fuck the cause?

1. Oliver
2. Meyers
3. Colbert
4. The rest

I'm assuming GLOW came in past the deadline. Otherwise, some chokeslams and powerbombs are in order.

Based on the interviews up to that point, it feels like S-Town honors John B's memory and he would have supported its release. He also said something to the effect of not giving a shit what happens when he dies because he'll be in the ground.

It's fucking great. I would recommend this show to anyone who enjoyed Peep Show. Vice versa for any Review fans in dark cringe comedy withdrawal. Check out Peep Show on Netflix.

Oh, I totally agree on that. I'm just glad I had some time between episodes to digest. Watching the show all at once might be like eating fifteen pancakes.

In Britain, they call that a series.

I can't even imagine binging it and hurtling full speed into the darkness.

Not getting any new episodes of Review: half a star.

Watching the finale, it struck me like a bolt of lightning that, allegorically, this is one of the best portrayals of addiction I've ever seen.

As Olenna would say, "Do shut up, dear."

So many different voices, too. It's almost cheating.

Just admit your voice is Kelsey Grammer