Sam Catchem

Like he said. A "fat, white Chris Farley type".

I will say, when they have Ethan Hawke in the bathtub with a shotgun pressed against his face, I kept wondering, "How the fuck are they going to write him out of this mess?" So in a serial cliffhanger sorta way, I thought it was a pretty well written escape. I mean, it's alot better than him saying "Waitaminute! If

Forgot 3000 Miles to Graceland. Not a good movie by any means, but still an action movie that came out that year. It's been so long since I've seen it that I kind of want to check it out again, but I remember being bored to tears by it in theaters. Also, am I dreaming this, or do the opening credits of that movie play

I think he looks like a child wearing a full size Oliver Stone mask.

I also saw her name in the credits for Wayne's World. Does anyone know what she plays in that movie?

He's one of those actors who has a very contemporary sound and look to him, so he usually feels radically out of place in period pieces. Also, he played Ted Theodore Logan so well, for years that's all I could think of when I saw him. But over the years I've come to realize how good and even great he is given the

Oh dear lord. You can take Bob McLennon's story above and replace Crouching Tiger with Eternal Sunshine, and that'd be me. It was one of the last movies I saw with my wife before we separated. I even remember asking her what she thought about it, and she said "Did you like it?" I said yes and she said "Well, I like

I didn't get my first cubicle job until 2004, but 1999 was the film year that prepared me for how soul crushing it would be. The Matrix, Office Space, Fight Club. I had seen cubicle jobs portrayed negatively in movies before (Tron, Into the Night, After Hours), but it seemed post 90's culture made you fee like a

Holy crap, I'd forgotten about that. Should have known something was up when he gave Rob Schneider's The Animal rave reviews.

The fact that the main character is only a regular Joe cabdriver and not a martial arts master or rogue cop kinda tips the scales into more of a Hitchcockian thriller. The fact that the villain is a badass assassin tips the scales the other way, though. Either way, I think it deserves being mentioned. It's at least as

He could cheat and make it a tie, like in '81, I suppose.

I know Bad Boys 2 has it's fans (I *think* most of them are ironic appreciators) but if he picks Bad Boys 2 over Kill Bill, we may have to mutiny.

Kill Bill Vol 1 will get 2003, and Vol 2 might get 2004. Supremacy was the first Greengrass movie wasn't it? If yes, it'll definitely get '04 if Kill Bill doesn't. Collateral is my personal favorite that year by far though.

I remember one critic saying about his performance in that movie, "Someone forgot to tell Cruise he was in a comedy…" and me thinking that was exactly why he was so good in it. You're right though, that's far from his best. Born on the Fourth of July, Magnolia, Collateral (speaking of which, man I hope that's 2004's

It was the first movie released after the couch jumping and the Matt Lauer interview, so everyone decided they hated Tom Cruise all of a sudden. Paramount straight up said they didn't want to do business with him anymore. And then I guess Tropic Thunder made everyone like him again?

Someone on the set of Mission Impossible 3 finally got through to Cruise that this is a spy TEAM movie, and then 4 and 5 followed that template accordingly. Mission 2 should have just been called Tom Cruise: Super Spy.

Forgot the Shaft reboot. Aside from a fascinatingly weird performance by Jeffery Wright, it's basically the movie that asks, "what would one of cinemas coolest characters be like if he was on a CBS cop drama that my grandparents watch?"

Swordfish has one of the greatest opening scenes ever. I even remember sitting in the theater during that opening ten minutes and thinking, "I've just found my new favorite action movie!" And then… nope

I'm 40 and I've dealt with suicidal depression my whole life. My dad killed himself from it ten years ago last month. Several times a week I think about if I'm going to do it, when I'll do it, how I'll do it. I try to think of suicide as the nuclear option. Sure, it'll get rid of my problems, but in the worst possible

You forgot to mention he got busted for cocaine possession.