Sam Catchem

I'd say The Ice Harvest was the last official John Cusack movie worth seeing. Hell, I 'd say Ice Harvest was the last good film from just about everyone involved, unless Billy Bob Thorton has been in something good since 2005 that I'm forgetting.

I think it was a rock crusher, actually. To be honest, I just wanted to use that "random villain dispatching machine" joke. It really cracked up my buddies back in the 90's when we rented this. Oh well.

Breakdown is a movie I love alot more than I should. I think most people lump it in with all those disposable action-thrillers that were Paramount's bread and butter back in the 90's. Movies like Primal Fear, Nick of Time, Snake Eyes, Jennifer 8, Virtuosity, Sliver, Kiss the Girls. But for some reason Breakdown is one

Speaking of which, could someone explain to me what that contraption is that kills Cyrus at the end of the movie. I haven't seen the movie in years, but I remember he's launched off of the firetruck and onto a conveyor belt, which carries him to a big weight that's being pulled up and down by a pulley system, which

I agree about the ending. I was more interested in the idea of two enemies taking over each other's lives, and would have liked to see the movie resolve that. Instead, Woo says "Fuck it, let's just have a speedboat chase".

Maybe it's a Curb Your Enthusiasm-type scenario, where Leia and this Rebel guard got into a spat over a parking space earlier, and she's just now finding out she's trapped on a spaceship with the same guy and doesn't want him to recognize her.

Yep. Given it's status as a "lost movie", I snatched it up immediately when they released it. It gave me a rush of nostalgia from having grown up in the late 70s/early 80s. As movie there's not much to recommend beyond seeing a super young Phil Hartman for about 10 seconds.

You know, I avoided the Chuck Berry obit thread because I didn't want to read 5,000 variations on this joke. But thanks for bringing the joke to me!

Was he the one who sticks up for the foot clan right before Casey Jones lectures them about "family", and they all take him seriously even though he's holding a giant rat?

My mom used to have two cats named Goofus and Gallant, and both pretty much acted like their namesakes. Gallant got hit by a car years ago and Goofus is still alive to this day. Take from that what you will.

Who was left by the last season? I remember the Twilight Zone-like way characters would just vanish. The youngest daughter, Aunt Rachel, Grandma. Was it literally Urkel and Carl at the end?

Wasn't Star Trek: The Next Generation a Fox show at first, then got syndicated? Or was it always syndicated? I remember it started out on my Fox affiliate, then I think it got picked up by WGN Chicago.

Long Kiss Goodnight is my personal favorite of all the movies mentioned here. I still remember my dad (who was a very grouchy man who rarely cracked a smile) laughing hysterically at this exchange:

Or Ron Pearlman. I love the guy as an actor, but everytime he did an intro, I imagine as soon as they cut away he yelled, "Can I please get the fuck out of here?!!"

Back in the mid-90's I worked at the CNN building, and had a ten second conversation with Mr. Osborne. He was just sweet and lovely. At the time the network was fairly new, so I wasn't as familiar with him as I am now. I wish I'd said something more substantial than "Hey, I really like them old movies you show!"

Yep. I pretty much dread the early fall and early spring every year because my girlfriend watches this shit religiously. She even makes me call and vote for her favorite on my cellphone (since you can only vote a certain number of times from a particular phone). At least all the girls on the show barely wear any

Don't forget Willow, which is a great movie because I saw it when I was in middle school, and don't even try to refute that logic.

Thanks Chief!

[sees one guy is interested; begins writing spec script immediately]

I believe there is an extended cut I've never seen that explains the freighter that they're using is loaded with crates of bullets and cigarettes. But it's also The Exxon Valdez, which was an oil tanker. So… (shrug) ?