
Tapas the Morning to You
Will be my Irish-themed breakfast tapas restaurant. Expect one in every strip mall and town center in America. Please leave a comment for franchise information.

As Zack Handlen said when he watched it on purpose:

Isn't an iPad just a iPod from Maine?

Three Dimensions…
Of glorious edification for the proletariat! Defy imperialist notions through victorious celebration of the noble worker! Indignantly condemn the bourgeois critiques of Avatar!

You forgot
Top Gun: The Legend of Goose's Gold

Would a movie about monkeys AND dragons be able to overcome this cruel law?

Go Ducks!
I was really hoping my alma mater could have been in a funnier sketch.

My vote goes for the "This must be how a baby lion feels when its mother yells at a receptionist for its medical records" line.

So you're telling me
This isn't the second installment in a SyFy reimagining of Lost Girls?

Half-Life 2
Where the fuck is it, you bastards? Portal is awesome, no doubt, but come on. Motherfucking Half-Life, bitches.

Precious, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Oscar Bait

What, no St. James Davis? The guy that lost an eye, his lips, nose, ears, most of his fingers, one of his feet and his fucking genitals in a chimp attack?

But Polar Express strikes that perfect balance between sheer terror and light hearted fun. What other move could go from "Oh my god, the train is going to fall through the ice and we will all freeze to death" to "Hot cocoa for everyone!" at the drop of a hat?

Free Kittens, LLC

Am I in a village of horses? Because all I hear are naysayers! Wordplay!

No, I'm Brian FELLOW!

Most internet deaths are related to double posting.

I want to see a horror movie based on "I'll Love You Forever." That book is freaky.

Ha! Ha! You better hope Burl doesn't stop by, Hankins! I don't imagine you'd like Burl when he was angry!

Tim Curry says…
Anything can happen on Halloween.