Dharma Bumstead

Gave my first full listen to the new Wilco album. Liked what I heard so far. Certainly more accessible than "Star Wars" was.
Also gave a full listen to my download of the remastered "The Beatles Live at the Hollywood Bowl." Like the extra tracks that were included.
Continued reading "Pet Sematary," my Stephen King

Take that talk over to the Supper Club!

"The Day of the Locust:" Homer Simpson

The Maestro

Shows at the Hollywood Bowl and the Greek Theatre here in Los Angeles are required to typically wrap up between 10:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. because both are close to residential areas.

That would be The Fab Faux, hands down the best Beatles tribute going primarily because they focus on the music and don't do the goofball "dress in Sgt. Pepper's outfits" like most others do. Their recreations of the songs are so spot on.
When I saw them here in Los Angeles a few years ago, Dhani Harrison came out and

"And there, Lennon seemingly had the inspiration for a song that would wind up on Revolver: “George’s house seemed to be just like a big submarine. I was driving it.” So that’s where that came from. Huh."

This is tied in somehow with the Ron Howard film, right?

Race Walking - because homely people need an Olympic sport too.

"Back in May 2015, Syfy locked heads with Steven Spielberg’s Amblin TV to start getting the sci-fi classic on screen"

Andy Kaufman didn't die.
He's Donald Trump.

"…a lighter, more psychedelic take, called “Outta Mind (Outta Sight),” on disc two."

I'd rather watch the film version, "Bright Lights, Beef Jerky."

Went to a screening of "The Deerhunter." Still don't know if that ending with the characters singing "God Bless America" is meant to be serious or ironic.
Watched "Triumph of the Nerds," a 1996 documentary about Apple, Microsoft and other techy stuff; and "Pirates of Silicon Valley," about the relationship of Steve

Before I even started to read the responses - from the staff and the reader comments - there were two that immediately came to mind:
"Layla" from "Goodfellas"
"The Blue Danube" waltz from "2001: A Space Odyssey." I am hoping to live long enough to actually see a wheel-shaped space station circling the earth, so get to

Saw "Weird" Al two weeks here in Los Angeles. The show was a lot of fun.
I have to admit though that my appreciation for what he does and the talent it takes to do it didn't come until about two years ago when I heard the song "Word Crimes."

Went to the Hollywood Bowl on Friday night to see Weird Al Yankovic.
Okay, so yeah it's silly. But so what? I had a good time. I am not a huge Weird Al fan but I certainly have come to appreciate his talent the past few years. It was the song "Word Crimes" that did it. (And, yes, Weird Al did do that song on Friday.)

I've heard Antietam described as being the purest preserved Civil War battlefield because it is nearly the same as when the battle took place.
I was there in 2002, arriving not long after it opened. I had some sections of the park to myself as I did the self-driving tour.
I also went to Gettysburg, which as noted is a

Currently reading this as well, and yes, have to rely on my memory of what happened in the previous two books to remember who some of the characters are. The second section about Tim Fanning, aka Zero, seems like it came from a totally different book.
I'm surprised this book was not reviewed at this site, considering

Also known as Young Hickory, the Napoleon of the stump.