Dharma Bumstead

Off to the White House, ha ha ha!

Last summer, I visited Manzanar, the Japanese internment camp on the east side of the Sierra here in California. It was a very sobering place to visit. All the buildings there are reconstructed but they do a nice job showing the living conditions. The remoteness of the site must have been just tough to deal with. Now

The Japanese Internment was the great black mark on Earl Warren's otherwise exemplary political career in California. He was a Republican so well liked that even Democrats voted for him, and if he had his way California would have had free health care back in the 1940s. Toward the end of his life, Japanese who had

That would be Nolan Bushnell.
Another venture he did a few years ago - uWink - was just a few years ahead of its time as it had ordering via tablet computers at the tables (on which the customers could also play games). This was pre-iPad, however, and so the few locations that did open (three out here in the Los

Plenty of Winchell locations out here in the Los Angeles area

Thanks for posting that as I've always been skeptical of the Stranglelove-as-Kissinger talk that has been out there, primarily because Kissinger was this obscure academic in 1963-1964.

Well, the fact that Albert Goldman is dead might have something to do with it.

Wrapped up a re-watch of season 8 of "Seinfeld." Yada, yada, yada, that show still cracks me up.
Started book four of "The Walking Dead" graphic novel.
Continued reading "Bag of Bones" by Stephen King.
And…will start watching season 3 of "Under the Dome" tonight. Really, this show is like a car wreck you cannot look away

I'd like to express my fondness for that brand of…nibbler?

How appropriate I should read this at…5:15.

I have that "A Hard Day's Night" novelization albeit with a different cover.
Bought some 30 plus years ago.

I still live in Hollywood and have for more than 10 years. And you're right in that you don't have to deal much with the industry types. And those I do know are below-the-line workers. But I agree with some of the others who say there is a certain type here in Los Angeles who are only interested in what you can do for

When I first moved to Hollywood more than 10 years ago, one of the more surreal things I saw out on Hollywood Boulevard were the Hari Krishnas, and then right next to them were the Scientologists giving out there "stress tests" and "personality tests."
Between the two, I would have gone with the Hari Krishnas. With

I get it - as long as the president is one that you like, it's okay for him to use drones that will likely kill civilians that are not the targets.
But when someone whose politics you don't agree with does the same thing - OUTRAGE! HOW DARE THEY!
And I'd hardly call the resistance from the left "massive" toward the

This is what I get out of this:
Writers are against a candidate who says he will keep Muslims out of the country and is anti-immigrant and wants to build a big wall on the border.

John Lennon did some Dylan parodies circa the late 1970s that would later be broadcast on the "Lost Lennon Tapes" radio series. I'm thinking in particular of the piece Lennon did of singing along with a televised news feed in a pseudo-Dylanesque voice with items about Vietnamese refugees and Nixon visiting Paris.


All these comments about LBJ's presidency and not one mention of all the millions - or is it billions? - his administration got for Brown & Root, the predecessor company of Halliburton?

Like how the sign behind Cary Grant reads "UFO Stop"

The bar I was a regular at here in Los Angeles had many divish qualities but fell short of being a true dive because of its location in the touristy part Hollywood. It closed two years ago only to be remodeled and reopened as an upscale place with expensive beer and craft cocktails. All the regulars moved on. It was a