Dharma Bumstead

Am I too late to bitch, whine and moan about Peter Jackson turning "The Hobbit" into three, over long movies because of GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED?

Mission Brewery hef is a great beer. Probably one of the best I've had.

Note to the CIA - Argo F**k yourselves.

Took place about three years ago at a liquor store. A noticeably drunk Andy Dick (it was 2 in the afternoon, mind you) took the beer my neighbor was about to buy. Dick also was buying a bottle of vodka. He didn't have enough money for both and asks me and my neighbor for money. We said no. So Andy goes outside to find

Oh, Andy Dick is seen quite often in the Hollywood neighborhood so it's no surprise he was recognized. If you live here long enough you eventually have an Andy Dick story. (And, yes, I have mine.)

I have "Crimson Kimono" in my Netflix queue as well. I'll get around to seeing it one day.

"I read the news today, oh boy…"

Hey, have I missed my chance to complain and whine about Peter Jackson making three movies from a 200-page book?

Elvis Costello signed a CD copy of "King of America," my favorite album of his.
James Ellroy signed a copy of "Destination: Morgue"
James Lee Burke signed a copy of "Last Car to Elysian Field"
A framed still from "Annie Hall" that Woody Allen, Tony Roberts and Diane Keaton signed
A signed John Lennon print by Bob Gruen

A good book on Guantanamo is "The Least Worst Place," by Karen Greenberg. It tells about how things could have been so much different if politics - thanks Rumsfeld and Cheney! - hadn't entered the picture to put people in charge who knew nothing about keeping prisoners.

I've enjoyed all of Theroux's travel writings - except for "Happy Isles." It's the most negative of his travel books. In his other ones he tends to take on this grumpy persona that is tolerable, but in "Happy Isles" it's even worse. IIRC, he was diagnosed with cancer when he started his travels around the Pacific and

“That was ‘Happy Days’.” – Marge Simpson
“No, they weren’t all happy days, like the time Pinky Tuscadero crashed her motorcycle, or the night I lost all my money to those card sharks and my dad Tom Bosley had to get it back.” – Homer Simpson

Re-reading the L.A. Quarter from James Ellroy and finished up on Saturday, "The Black Dahlia." (Now I'm contemplating whether to watch that mess of a movie version despite not liking it the first time around.)
Working my way through season 6 of "Mad Men."
Have the Joss Whedon version of "Much Ado About Nothing" to watch

Woozle wuzzle? That's what passes for entertainment these days?

My weekend isn't over yet as I still have the Simpsons 25th anniversary show at the Hollywood Bowl to attend tonight.

Saw Elvis Costello at the Hollywood Bowl. He was accompanied by the Los Angeles Philharmonic. I didn't think an orchestral arrangement added much to "Accidents Will Happen" or "Veronica" but the remainder of the set was excellent, particularly "Almost Blue" and "All This Useless Beauty."

I see this movie every time the American Cinematheque has a screening here in Los Angeles.
I am convinced the theme was Elmer Bernstein's attempt at trying to equal if not surpass "The Colonel Bogey March" from "Bridge Over the River Kwai." And he succeeded quite well.

I met a WWII POW who was at Stalag Luft 3. He said he got there a couple of weeks after the "great escape." He also showed me some of the artwork he had done (and saved!) while in the camp.

The Charles Bronson character and his little blonde friend also got away. They are last seen getting onto a ship.

Recently finished re-reading "Slaughterhouse Five." It's the first time in years I've read this.
Now reading:
"Awol on the Appalachian Trail," by David Miller. Reading this at the suggestion of another contributor here at the AV Club. Very enjoyable, and even with all the pain Miller endures inspires me to want to do a