Dharma Bumstead

*sigh* Neko Case…

Continued reading "I'm a Stranger Here Myself," by Bill Bryson. He's one of a few writers who can make me laugh out loud.
Started re-reading "Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut.
Got the idea into my head of hooking up the VCR to the tv and watched some "Simpsons" and "Seinfeld" episodes on videotape.
Took in two of

Re-reading "All The President's Men" for the first time in years and now informed by the real name and position of Deep Throat. This book should be read by anyone who thinks conspiracies can be covered up forever.

I admit that I only read about a third of the 300 plus responses so this might have been mentioned already but certainly "R.A.M.O.N.E.S." should be on this list.

Recently finished "William Shakespeare's The Empire Striketh Back" by Ian Doescher, and "Golden Dreams: California in an Age of Abundance," the sixth volume in Kevin Starr's history of California.
Currently working my way through "To Protect and To Serve: The LAPD's Century of War in the City of Dream," by Joe

James McMurtry

Reading "Identical," the latest novel from Scott Turow.
Re-reading "Franny and Zooey," by J.D. Salinger and getting a lot more out of this time than the first time around some 20+ years ago.
Went to a screening of the original Japanese version of "Godzilla." There are a whole sections of the movie where the monster

The treatment of Flanders, certainly in the early, "classic" years, shows yet again the inconsistency of "The Simpsons" (not that anyone watches for the consistency of the characters and their back stories).
In those classic episodes, Ned was the extreme Bible thumper only when the story called for it. Otherwise he

For those who haven't read "So You Want to Be A Rock and Roll Star" by Semisonic drummer Jacob Schlichter, do yourself a favor and find a copy. One of the best books on the music industry, and I've been told that by people in the industry.

I'm closing in on a year of having all but eliminated bad fast food from my diet - no McDonald's, no Burger King, no Carl's Jr.*
Doing that took off weight and keeps it off (well, that and eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water, cutting back on dairy and meat, etc.)

"Don't Think Twice, It's Alright," by Bob Dylan

Hands down - Tyrion Lannister.

There are parts of the 50s episode of "Baseball" where I turn down the sound so I don't have to listen to Billy Crystal…

For all his factual faults - no, the battle of Gettysburg had nothing to do with shoes, and Wilbur McClean was a war profiteer - the one great thing about Burns's documentaries is how they put all this great footage into one place. I am particularly thinking about the footage of the Gettysburg 50th and 75th

Now maybe I can get the guy to finally fix the cable.

Rewatching season 5 of "Seinfeld."
Watched more college basketball.
Started reading "On Writing" by Stephen King.

Watched a lot of college basketball.
Wrapped up "The Wire" with a binge of the last four episodes of Season 5 on Sunday. When the fake homeless murder storyline was introduced I was worried that it was just going to be silly, but then it showed the serious consequences of McNulty's actions. Sorry to see there wasn't

Just got back from a screening of "Argo."
Finished reading "A Dance with Dragons." Now I have to wait, what, two, three years until the next "Fire and Ice" book?
Finished reading "Zeroville" by Steve Erickson. The ending didn't make much sense to me. Whenever the character Viking Man appeared I kept hearing his

The book was my introduction to the WM3 case and have now read it twice. It's disturbing if even just half of what is portrayed is true. Seen the first two Paradise Lost docs and have the third plus the other new one on my Netflix list. Will I see this? Not sure. May wait until it comes out on DVD.