Dharma Bumstead

The three season cable series is the new Great American Novel.

"N0S4A2" is Hill's best book.
"Heart Shaped Box" has a good premise behind it but there was just something weak about it.
"Horns" was the first book of his I read and thought it was good.

"Anyway, while already provoking backlash from people who’ve apparently
never read a James Ellroy interview before, it’s hardly surprising that
Ellroy has no time for The Wire’s plight of the “underclass,”
seeing as he proclaims himself a “Thatcherite and a Reaganite,” has long
espoused a fiercely neo-con

This was the one New Pornographers album that I never took to for some reason. Likely because of the lack of the melodic rock/power pop type songs found on the previous albums.
After reading this piece I am going to give "Challengers" another listen.

Or, in the case of Los Angeles, they live right on the beach or in the Hollywood Hills.

I saw "Talk of the Town" just a few weeks ago. From the Netflix description I expected noirish thriller and instead got a screwball comedy. And, yes, the storyline did keep me guessing who Jean Arthur would choose at the end…

After reading that book, you should watch "The Master." I found the two actually go together well, with sections of the book, particularly of when Hubbard started Scientology, making the movie more understandable.

Edith Grossman. It's one of the newer translations, from 2005.

I read "Don Quixote" the first time some 26-27 years ago. It was an abridged version as there is a lot in the copy I am reading now (900+ plus pages) that I do not recall. It's like reading it for the first time.
And "TKAM" I think I had to read in high school. Or maybe I just think I did because it seems like one of

Finishing up "Don Quioxte," and it took just about five weeks to read it.
Just started "Tune In," volume one of Mark Lewisohn's planned three-volume biography on The Beatles.
Have "To Kill a Mockinbird" and "Zeroville" to pick up soon from the Los Angeles Public Library.

Neko Case…*sigh*

Was going to post about the Bill James book as well, and yes, he does make a convincing argument that Borden didn't do the killings.

In a way, yes.
I'd fall into the category of second generation Beatles fan; meaning I was born in the 60s and became aware of music in the 70s.
In the mid to late 1970s, Paul McCartney was everywhere. If you listened to top 40 radio as I did in Chicago (WLS AM) you couldn't escape him. "Band on the Run," "Silly Love

I started and finished a re-reading of "Nineteen Eighty Four."
Am now 100 pages in on re-reading "Don Quixote." I first read it back in 1985-86 but honestly do not recall much of it so it's like I am reading it for the first time.

For those wanting to know more about the making of this film check out "The Nashville Chronicles" by Jan Stuart.

And not even "Dances With Wolves" was original.
Check out "Run of the Arrow" by Sam Fuller.

Went to a solo acoustic show by Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy.
Working my way still through Season 2 of "Portlandia." Next up in TV DVDs - season 3 of "The Walking Dead."
Still reading the Jim Henson bio, a collection of short stories by Arthur C. Clarke, "Joyland" by Stephen King, and "Post Office" by Charles Bukowski.

I saw this film last night and thought it was way better than the first part from a year ago. The pacing was much improved and the elements of the story not in the original book did not drag (as in "Unexpected Journey). The 3-D was fantastic, the spiders were creepy, and I could buy the idea of a talking dragon. I

Started reading "Jim Henson: The Biography." I don't have that big of an interest in Henson and his career but decided to give it a chance based on the good review from this site.
Also picked up from the library some Arthur C. Clarke, Charles Bukowski, and John Fante.
Watched both parts of "Kill Bill."

I mainly watched it for the scenes filmed in the area of Hollywood I live in. Of course, the big setpiece filmed just a few blocks away at Grauman's Chinese Theatre ended up being cut. But I do have some video I took when that scene was being filmed.