Rick Dagless

The first time . . ever I saw your fail
and felt your heartbeat close to mine
like the trembling heart of a bird with ebolAIDS
etc etc etc

Oh look . . . Ozzie and Harriet.

A smug Wes Anderson film?

favorite Pollard drunken ranting story
"If the guy next to you ever bought a Counting Crows album, punch him in the face!"

Probly by not posting about it

My theory is that this was a Jonn Entwhistle-style death by "having kinky, druggy sex while too old". The Thai prostitute probably freaked and bailed, leaving Carradine suspended in the position where he died.

Yeah Papyrus is really this century's Comic Sans.

I wear loose jeans and dislike the Dave Matthews Band.

Just wanted to let you guys know there's a Donkey Kong kill screen coming up, if you want to see it.

Not me. Loved Jest, was not moved by Broom. Read like a practice novel, which hey it was.

Your misspelling granted me a magical image of Nic Cage jerking off with one hand while the other balances a small penknife and a pear. The knife is between two first fingers and thumb, the pear cradled in palm and stabilized by ring finger and pinky. The two smallest fingers turn the pear against the knife like a

There's a vas deferens between you and me, sir.

Now it's real bad
Michael Jackson
Now I'm real mad
Joe Jackson

To a wild unknown country where you can do no wrong.

Jay - I actually am going to pick this us based on that little sample. It sounds fucking awesome, or at least enough unlike anything else I've heard this year that it'll be worth a spin or two.

Game . . . BLOUSES

I don't think it's on Viva Hate, man
We'll have to look when I get home.

I'm gonna go with "When The Power Goes Out In The Grocery Store"

He will appear if you crack open a cold bottle of Seagram's Golden Wine Cooler.

(A girl with colitis goes by . . . )