Rick Dagless

This is the "Revolution 9" of posts.

Judge, not Hudge. And Hugs, not drugs.

I'm disappointed that "Fuckbook" is a play on "Fakebook". I was hoping it was a play on the name of that social networking site all the condo fucks enjoy fucking with.

I was prepared to encounter some serious hate in the comments of this article, but was surprised by all the fair, thoughtful comments, even from those who justifiably dislike the band. Kudos to all y'all.

I love love love "Dimanche A Bamako" as well, and will definitely pick this up. I'm glad to hear that they are pushing the bounsdaries, but I really hope the blistering guitar work of the last record is not totally absent from this one.

hey speaking of divas
Since there's no article on this yet, I'll comment here:
I really, really, really want to hear the new Amy Winehouse recordings her label has just rejected as being "too reggae" and "too dark".

If the standard Neil Young hits don't do it for you, but you suspect some of his stuff might, try "Zuma" and "Tonight's The Night". That shit changed my life.

Garth Brooks was joined by Chris Gaines during the last chorus, putting paid to all the rumors of them being the same person.

The one positive thing I see in this is that someone is challenging Apple's defacto right to be the new Sam Goody. Seriously, that company doesn't make enough money off cubicle nerds with gadget fetishes, now they have to be everyone's go-to source for music purchases. I think more bands should follow suit and sell

That seems really unlikely. Macca refusing to ink a deal with itunes because bad old Steve Jobs won't LOWER the price of his songs? No, probably not the case.

The VU's "Sunday Morning"?

This is good advice which I will take immediately.
Also, I'm sure this has been said at least once in the hundreds upon hundreds of comments already piled up beneath this series of articles, but:
Johnny Cash, as legendary and iconic a figure as he is, is way overrated as a touchstone for great country music. I'd rather

He certainly ruined "Cube" for me. And after I bought the popcorn and everything. Worst date ever.

Gotta agree with PB on this one. This sounds like a decent enough bedroom four-track record, plus about ten grand worth of PR.

I must admit I love the skit about Abe Lincoln, who went on to become our greatest vampire president.

Hammer Horror
Kudos, nice article. I haven't seen nearly enough of these movies.
As a kind of sub-gateway of this, I want to recommend the Hammer Horror movies of the late sixties, in particular Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed with Peter Cushing.
The Hammer stuff riffs on these classic film monsters in this really cool

It showed me how to live.

I kinda like what Dog Star has to say. I saw it today and I really enjoyed it, but disliked many, many things about it.
The violence was beyond over the top. They remade the Zapruder film, in high-res, with gore spewing everywhere. They showed more hideous crimes against the human body than I can remember seeing in

lryic from the song above:
"and the people don't care"
No Chris, they surely do not.
A cheap shot, but really this whole endeavor goes beyond disappointing into Joaquin-Phoenix-rapping-is-this-a-put-on territory. And that's coming from a guy who owns the first Audioslave record.