Hop Hipster

Or his hate boner for Becky Lynch. His banter with Jason Albert(nee of A-Train, Hip Hop Hippo, Tensai fame) was awesome yet never overshadowed what was happening in the ring.

So what's going on between you and this Pink customeeeeeeer.

This is Lassie's most badass role since Jericho.

Yeah! That'll show em…Pitt the Elder [snarling intensifies]

Like when the news hit that Copper is getting the axe?

You look good out of those chains.

Please, call him Garry.

Only if he never uses a contraction and never blinks during a Winger speech. All whilst wearing a cardigan sweater vest.


HEY NOW!  It's not that bad yet.

HEY NOW!  It's not that bad yet.

He also gave Bearded Jack what for in the 5th season of Lost.

Tho I'm glad Mischa Collins is back, I miss awkward "I was never in your ass" Cas the most. 

Classic Smosby.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus Yeah but…I don't know. Spider traders around here look scummier and usually just deal in painted daddy long legs.

You mean plain, simple Garak. Your humble tailor and not a spy.

We can get a stew going!

Her tits are like "coming home from school and finding out that your old man ran over your cat" sad.

Or to get Troy to go to air conditioning repair school.

Audrey's probably only has 70s stuff on VHS.