no patience for jam hands

Not to mention the -gram (Ben Ingram) category. I can only hope Julia gets her due tonight.
I actually didn't notice either of them until others pointed it out. I think both were sly enough that in case either of those two didn't end up making the finals, it wouldn't have seemed too weird for other players.

There were at least two, Malcolm X in Roman Numerals and current currant in Homophonic Pairs (Arthur's miss).

That was one of the tensest games of Jeopardy! I've ever watched, between Arthur and Mark spitting out their answers and calling for the next clue with almost no inflection. I'll never complain about a game where we get to all the clues, but tonight's game with Sandie and Ben should be a little more chill.

I wanted Alex to ask her if the bees would eat other bees, since he seemed to be so into that aspect of betta fish.

Terry cleaned up in the wordplay categories, that's for sure. I got the feeling her opponents were avoiding them after sensing her strength there.

Whenever I try to remember the capital of New Zealand, my brain can helpfully tell me that it's NOT Auckland, DON'T say Auckland, but I'm never able to recall the real thing.

I don't remember the wording of the clue either, but the only thing I could come up with was Mousetrap —> Three Blind Mice. Obviously other details in the clue point away from that, but that may have contributed to its being a triple stumper.

In the aftermath of Julia's shocking loss, we've all forgotten the positive aspects of this program: namely, a Land Before Time clue, and two clues that were completely gettable solely from playing 90s computer games (Independence, MO being the start of the Oregon Trail, and I knew Belem was in Brazil from the less

Sequestered, for precisely that reason.

I considered "act" before responding "set" over here, though I knew it was unlikely to apply to politics. It's also one of those words with a surprisingly long definition though.

Me too, though when Trebek went to important purchase my mind did make the leap to AK and Seward. Embarrassing, as I have relatives who live there who have mentioned Seward Day on Facebook at least once.

In terms of clue choice strategy, Politics was clearly going to involve some slow-speaking NYT writers and the players saved it for last. Be still my heart!
A lot of DD-hunting but it never really crossed into Forrest bouncing - pattern seemed to be going for $600 then moving categories after the high-value clues had

Do you get into predicting ToC outcomes, or no? Myself, I'm excited to see players come back but have no idea how they'll do against each other. Tuesday's game should be brutal though, and the Friday match is definitely the hardest to call.

Seeing Allison miss that DD somewhat mitigated my joy at seeing my two great loves, American Girl dolls and Jeopardy!, united in the previous clue. Not to analyze it to death, but I'm surprised "mint" was the difficult part of "mint in box" - mint condition is a fairly well-known collectors' phrase, no?

Love the GoogleDoc. Thank you!

I remember there was a change in showrunner, and I suspect that is where the points came from. Maybe a header on the (FABULOUS) GoogleDoc could explain it?

Yeah, I thought this clue had about two more pieces in it than it needed to be a standard FJ clue. Just ask for the first conversation in the Bible, don't need chapter or the fact that things didn't turn out well.
Though specifying chapter does rule out the creation lines, so maybe the writers thought they needed a

Don't worry about it if it's an insurmountable challenge - I appreciate the time and effort that you already put into the league.
Also curse you, Mysteries of Laura!

Hey Franko, I don't know how you're tracking this, but would you consider making your scorekeeping viewable as a GoogleDoc? Obviously only you would be able to edit, but I forget week to week what shows I'm rooting for to fail and seeing other people rise or fall might be fun.

Generally, first words that are articles are ruled interchangeable unless there is a significant work that differs by only the first article. The classic example is The Invisible Man (Wells) vs. Invisible Man (Ellison).