no patience for jam hands

Yes, if she'd said extra wrong words she'd have been penalized - it's like giving a wrong first name even if only the last name is required. I seem to remember this happening with Dr. Strangelove in the past, but too lazy to find the clue now.

Myself, I'm hoping for a CopMom-MomCop crossover.

Man, I was really hoping for a deeper article, especially since Little Girls in Pretty Boxes is over 20 years old at this point. There was a book recently, Dvora Meyers' The End of the Perfect 10, that argued that there was some call for optimism in the way gymnasts were treated. It's a good read, but Meyers was

I love the musical Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812, and the cast recording has been the soundtrack to my commute since I first saw the show. But the last two songs are so delicate and wistful, Pierre's spoken "And if I were free" so simple, that I just can't rock out to them in my car any old time.

So THAT'S why they included that in the clue!

There was also a category a while back where the first four clues gave events that had all happened in the same year, and the bottom-row clue asked you to guess the year (no hint in the category name that that would be the case, either). While those are tricky, they don't happen often enough to warrant not DD-hunting.

Yep. There's an E.L. Kongisburg book called The Second Mrs. Giaconda which I read as a kid, but it was not an easy clue for the top row.

whoops, my days as an English major must be wearing off

Yeah, I think Alex was just showing off here. It's like saying Hamlet, Prince of Denmark when Hamlet will suffice.

Jami was a DELIGHT. (Granted, I fast-forwarded through the interview.) But she looked like a proud mom when Addison got the runaway, which is more than just being a class act or a good loser - she seemed like she really just wanted the best person to win, even if it wasn't her.

thanks for the rec; turns out it's supposed to be great on audio so now I have my next road trip soundtrack!

The Kate Beaton comic that plays on this joke is really the only reason I can remember that Guiteau=Garfield and not McKinley.

I do not know my state governors, but Wikipedia does. (My first thought upon thinking of Cuomo was "wait, didn't he just die?". No, jam hands, you idiot, that was his dad.)
But I can see a nerd who'd get on Jeopardy! knowing every state's governor (but not their history), especially those with the same last name, and

Interestingly, there are other pairs of alphabetically-adjacent governors of
neighboring states (Brown & Brown for OR and CA, Dalrymple/Daugaard/Dayton for the Dakotas and MN, McAuliffe/McCrory for VA/NC), so you'd either have to really NOT know your governors and just pick the two most nationally known, or know all

He played Gilbert in the movies, and if the mourners all over my Facebook feed were any indication, played him quite well.

Sorry if this is morbid, but was the reread inspired by Jonathan Crombie's death? I thought about getting back into them when that happened, but they're still at my parents' and I wasn't sure they'd hold up.

She cleaned up on that lit category.

Nah, I think they just didn't know the alphabet. It's surprisingly uncommon knowledge (I think even the great Ken Jennings missed a Final about it), but it does come in handy sometimes.

I really don't think there will be a pregnant Petra next season - I think she's more likely to use it as leverage without actually getting pregnant.
I'm kind of surprised Emilio didn't sneak its way into the baby's name, given that Mateo is Rafael's only child (FOR NOW) and uh, Rogelio wasn't the one buried in concrete