Skrull Impostor Stan Lee

@avclub-53ef3f6607f8a9d210d7ceb6c2eab5e8:disqus , You keep reading 'em, I'll keep writing them. 'Nuff said!

Hey! Watch it there, Charlie, there's no room for another Stan around these parts—we're full up! 'Nuff said!

Hey! Watch it there, Charlie, there's no room for another Stan around these parts—we're full up! 'Nuff said!

Say it ain't so, Estimable Edward! Don't tell us this is the last we've seen of AV Club Assembled's quixotic quizmaster! After all, even your old Uncle Stanley manages to pop up for a ponderous post now and again, despite being in the far-flung regions of space! (And lemme tell ya, heroes—the wi-fi coverage on the

Say it ain't so, Estimable Edward! Don't tell us this is the last we've seen of AV Club Assembled's quixotic quizmaster! After all, even your old Uncle Stanley manages to pop up for a ponderous post now and again, despite being in the far-flung regions of space! (And lemme tell ya, heroes—the wi-fi coverage on the

Congratulations, courageous A.V. Clubbers! Your No-Prize is in the mail!

All I can say is this: We wuz robbed, true believers! 'Nuff said!

"Jovial" John was one of the greats. Rest in peace, fellow traveller. 'Nuff said.


Death to Richards! Death to the hated Kree!

Don't sell the shield-slinger short, true believer! Every Marvel maniac knows that probably even the dastardly DOCTOR DOOM wouldn't wanna get pasted in the eye by our favorite star-spangled super solider!

We wouldn't dream of it, true believer! Not even BLACK BOLT's karaoke night could keep me away—you better believe Smilin' Stan stands at the ready to 'Make Mine Marvel' at the multiplex in the merry month of May! 'Nuff said!

Alright already, true believer! We heard ya the first time! 
And don't be so ponderously pessimistic, dashing Dumbledore! The House of Ideas might just surprise you this go-round! If nothing else, it's a sure bet that The Smilin' One will have another whimsical walk-on as the ever-lovin' Willie Lumpkin!

Although Smilin' Stan never sagaciously scripted a comic mag based on his own life per se, many's a dyed-in-the-wool Marvel fan that has surreptitiously suspected that I based Ol' "Jolly" J. JONAH JAMESON's bull-headed brio on my own blustery exploits in the Mighty Marvel Bullpen!
Is it true? Stan ain't sayin'!

Death to the hated Kree!

Don't be a monkey's uncle, Keith! No self-respecting Marvel madman could forget to mention the mesmerising monthly adventures of the winsome WASP—peerlessly penned by your Fearless Leader and dazzlingly drawn by "Big" John Buscema! And in this month's ish, the glamorous Janet Van Dyne has to tussle with the menacing

As per the Mighty Marvel fashion, @avclub-9e3b631d801e19a9e92a405ea759e09f:disqus, for providing an explanation of how our errors aren't errors at all, I bequeath to you a well-deserved No-Prize!

Looks like you got me, true believer! It seems ol' Skrull Stan's once-peerless power of impersonation needs some practice!
Don't fret about Sterling Steve Hyden though, heroes! His body is safely in suspended animation! I just had to take his hideous human form to infiltrate the hallowed halls of the AV Club's own

I gotta tell you, true believers— you'll never find a more rarefied raconteur than Fearless @avclub-4a949183c60875fd6b7bdb174ab5fcbe:disqus on this side of the Negative Zone!
Verily, Smilin' Stan doth wish thee the happiest of birthdays! (Just try not to drink that entire bottle of Shi'ar Schnapps I sent ya all at

Y'know, it's a funny story, heroes. When I got the call from none other than Jonathan "Fearless" Frakes to consult, collaborate, and commiserate on his colossal classic CLOCKSTOPPERS back in 2002, you could have knocked Ol' Smiley over with a feather! (It's an open secret around the Bullpen that when yours truly