Skrull Impostor Stan Lee

History lesson time, heroes!
Who made comics history with the introduction of the first black costumed crimefighter in all of comicdom? The Mighty Marvel House of Ideas, that's who!
Now, a mere forty-five years after the introduction of the BLACK PANTHER, another Marvel milestone is at hand! Move over,

Well, true believers, it looks that the maniacal masses of Marveldom Assembled came out in force to make CAPTAIN AMERICA:THE FIRST AVENGER a staggering success! Even the herculean Harry Potter was hushed and humbled by our star-spangled superhero!
So who says we're not in the Marvel age of box-office bragging rights?

I almost forgot to ask ol' B.B. for his hospitality here in Attilan! Lemme tell ya, heroes—the Inhuman Royal Family is a class act, even to their pent-up prisoners! And tell the gregarious GORGON thanks for letting Smilin' Stan use his laptop!

Get excited gang! The latest masterwork form The Stan Lee Library is at boutiques and bookshops this fall! This titanic tome is called "Stan Lee's 'Crime'" and it collects the toenail-tingling tales of some of the most legendary nasties and ne'r-do-wells ever put to print! All brought to you in the Mighty Marvel

Well-said, true believer!
Who says Mighty Marvel should have a monopoly on clever cameos by Stan The Man? If Classy Chris Nolan needs a whimsical walk-on by Stellar Stan(or a reasonable facsimile thereof!) I know a guy that knows a guy…'Nuff said!

What say you, true believers? Should ol' Smiley sic Mighty Marvel's ever lovin' legion of lawyers on this heroic hip-hopper?

Incredible news, true believers! Scroll down to the bottom of your World Wide Web page—go on, I'll be here when you get back! Do your eyes deceive you? Has Stan The Man's peerless pronouncement promoting X-MEN: GRADE A been given the patented AV Club imprimatur?!
No false humility this time, heroes—this is a

Not so, M.G.O.L.! Yours Truly did indeed film a classy cameo—just not as Smilin' Stan! Look sharp, true believer, and see if you can pick out which whimsical walk-on was Skrull Stan in disguise! Do so, and verily, I shall bequeath thee a cherished No-Prize!

It's funny that you mention that, Dapper Dumbledore! Klassy Kenneth at the start enlisted Yours truly to do one of my poetically patented opening narrations for the fantastic feature…"Our tale begins in the lonely desert of New Mexico, where beautiful scientist Jane Foster is about to encounter a strange figure…"

Thanks for the kind words, commenting Clubbers!
It's a funny story, heroes. I was leaving Earth orbit to return to the Skrull homeworld when my spacecraft's navigation system went on the fritz! Before you can say "Fin Fang Foom" I had carelessly crashed into Asteroid M and was sent careening on a collision course with

Doing justice to the soaring spires of Jolly Jack's Asgard was indeed a daunting endeavor. But don't think the Marvel movie masterminds weren't about to rise to the challenge, Chuckles! Not by a long shot—'Nuff said! So head down to the ol' picture show, and tell 'em Stan sent ya!

Evildoers everywhere take heed! That portentous peal of thunder can mean only one thing: Verily, The Mighty Thor approaches!

Can't talk now, gang, I've got a spaceship to catch! But any of you that didn't get a chance to read my heartfelt farewell can do so at http://skrullstanlee.tumblr… ! And again, to AV Club Assembled: deepest apologies if I violated your persnickety protocols! Until my inevitable return to the planet you call Earth, so

With all the shameful shenanigans that other gratuitous gimmickers get up to, why on earth would they single out sufferin' Skrull Stan's farewell? Sorry, AV Club! Verily, I shall darken thy doorstep no longer!

Confession time, commenting cavaliers of the AV Club! Now, I know a lot of
my faithful followers had a sneaking suspicion that Smilin' Stan here wasn't the genuine article, so allow me to come clean— I've secretly been a spy for the Skrull Empire all along! Now, don't worry, gang, the real Stan "The Man" is safe and