LeVar Banana Burton

That's pretty sad, PC, but if it's any consolation, I hate stadium shows and yet I absolutely loved seeing them in a 12,000 capacity venue.

Guys, guys, there is a clear solution to this. Have your girlfriend/mother/bondage slave kick the first scalper you find selling LCDS tickets in the nuts with her stilettos. Repeat until the tickets fall out of his hand. Then a couple more times, for good measure and justice and all that.

I'm with Seven Days. Although I'm young enough that I couldn't understand for a good number of years why anyone would care who he was, since the earliest thing I remember that was Dana Carvey-related was The Master of Disguise.

I am humbled by thy presence, A+, and I repent my sin of questioning thine existence and placing thy brother, A, above thee.

I couldn't remember the name of this episode, but I knew it must be coming up soon. Personally, I have an irrational apathy for it. It is quite possibly the most boring episode in the first seven seasons, one that just doesn't seem worth watching since, as Todd so astutely noted, nobody on screen much

These guys were underwhelming enough when I saw them that the memory has made me question the quality of any album they might make, but I listened to a bit of their stuff since the review was so positive. Not as bad as I remember, but really, they just sound like a less proficient and rhythm-focused Dodos crossed

If you were really trying to rep your Philly cred, then those would be the lyrics to Jump On It.

Thanks, Sawbuck Gamer…
Since I'm still working with a PS2/GC and haven't gotten near an iPhone, I haven't got a fucking clue what most of these games are about and I was really glad to see the Sawbuck 5 picks. Super Mario Bros. X was a ridiculously great game and something that Nintendo would be wise to pick up for

Does this mean that someone at the AV Club actually watches Stargate? I'll defend SG-1 as a damn good show (although I've never watched Universe), but it doesn't seem like it would be the sort of thing most of the people here would care about.

Fargate's the one with the puppets and wormholes and Ben Browder, right?

What makes a man go neutral, Steve?

Other than chiming in my support for Girl Talk's newest as awesome, what I have to ask is, Contra, really? And higher than The Suburbs and The Monitor? Damn.

Yeah, but can you really expect common Americans to not confuse a common idiom with a philosophical term? These are people in this country who manage to find logic in Teabaggers' principles enough to elect them to office, after all.

Arcade Fire was indeed amazing live. I usually hate stadium shows, but the fact that the band managed to managed to be mesmerizing in that setting was an incredible feat.

May you be cursed to live like Tantalus in McKinley High: you will have Rachel Berry creepily following you around, simultaneously berating you and strangling you to death with her chaste love, while Santana dances enticingly out of reach forever.

I just started watching it a couple of weeks ago: I figured it was time, seeing as I'm ditching undergrad for the real world in May. I think that I would've gained more from it if I had actually watched it late in high school/freshman year of college, though, which is when Steven's character would have been a lot

Honestly, this seems like a bigger problem for Big Bang Theory. Not only is there not much overlap between Community fans and Idol fans but BBT has a big enough audience that a decent number of those people are casual watchers who might just decide that they can watch Sheldon and co. on their DVRs/the internets.

I was going to comment on how I long for the day that we can all gather in peace and acknowledge that this show might be able to be mentioned in the same breath as AD without starting an apocalyptic flame war worthy of Youtube, but now all I can think about is the logistics of tossin trying in vain to rape someone's

No, I think he's saying that the kid got kicked in the face by a large ham.

I was thinking about Synedoche too, MD, but I guess they decided to only include one Kaufman movie and they chose the one that's most explicitly a commentary on movies as opposed to one that's equally applicable to other forms of art/criticism (and whose name and inspiration derives mostly from literature anyway).