LeVar Banana Burton

Steve Albini would like to tell you that this show could be your life. Oh, and Tab rocks!

Gotta agree with the rest of you. Weezer did indeed sell out. They started out just having catchy tunes that at least didn't out and out show how much they hated themselves and their audience—and when they did, it was self-deprecating and ironic. But ever since Pinkerton, Rivers Cuomo hasn't even bothered to hide

Troy and Abed are hysterical in even the most throwaway background moments (see: zombie Troy and Abed's handshake greeting), but now that Pudi mentioned it, I'm really intrigued to see what an entire A story featuring Abed and Pierce together would look like. I didn't even realize up until now that I have no clue

That's homophobic.

Ouch. Actually, to me Sanguinarium always had the cheesy-in-its-self-seriousness-but-trying-to-be-scary tone of the earlier seasons; it reminds me in its tone a lot of Ghost in the Machine or Roland.

You must be thinking of the Skinemax knockoff, Onan. Which, incidentally, is just the regular movie with Daryl Hannah's tits not edited out for primetime.

Oh man, I love this thread already. Sasha Frere-Jones bashing should come up far more often than it does, because I've been waiting for years for an appropriate time to say just how fucking much I hated that Arcade Fire piece. I didn't even know he'd written one on Stephin Merritt, and I'm incredibly glad that I've

Stay away from the Diner, though. I heard their special is dick of Mickey Rourke.

I can actually understand giving this episode an F, but I'm gonna confess, I've never liked Will enough to think that he could make or break an episode for me, not even this one. Yeah, the pulling the whole "Rocky Horror is Emma's VERY FAVORITE MOVIE!" out of nowhere continuity-wise was annoying, and I am way more

I'm not sure whether or not I saw this in the theater (if I did, I can't remember, since I was only about four when it came out), but I definitely got a copy of the VHS for Christmas or a birthday or something as soon as it was released and I wore it out over the course of the next couple of years. It still makes me

This sounds like it's one John Turturro away from an O Brother knockoff.

Has anyone else felt like this season has been a lot more serious as a whole? I haven't had a chance to watch this episode yet, but in light of others this season like "The Psychology of Letting Go", it seems like the dramatic elements are starting to take over. I'm not saying the show isn't still mightily funny—the

On the Wings of Love. For the meta value.

This episode redeemed the show so much for me
I actually was discussing the three-Glees theory with my housemate (who is an unabashed fan of the over-the-top Ryan Murphy episodes that tend to bore the bejesus out of me) and if I hadn't been sold on it before, I totally was after this episode. It was like the writer

This review seems pretty spot on.
I remember reading the titular story about a year-and-a-half ago and feeling pretty underwhelmed. The characters were so remote that it was hard to empathize with them, and Li's prose didn't do anything to make them less distant. It just felt like she was spinning her wheels,

Oh, I fully believe this will be the hipster litmus test in 10 years time. "This was, like, the movie of my childhood."

Yeah, Ready-Set-Bieber…
…you really thought that whole "I'm swallowing you" lyric through. The best part is the self-satisfied smirk.

I think I meant to say that Ms. Neko Case would like a word with you. Fuck 2 am, insomnia-induced double-postings.

I humbly defer to Ms. Neko Case in this department, Jackie.

I'm sure that the network is completely naanplussed at its failure.