
The Bus That Wouldn't Slow Down.

I feel like I just heard a joke and everybody laughed but me. Well, I refuse to laugh at Burn After Reading.

Isn't the general consensus is a movie needs to make triple its stated budget in order to get into the black? I've no doubt that overseas business and home video/TV licensing will push it into the profit column, but that's not exactly a slam-dunk total you gave there, Donna.

We're making fun of Riverdance now?
Kind of an easy target there, don't you think?

Took my kid to a preview screening last weekend
We showed up 45 minutes prior to the screening and the company responsible for setting up the sneak preview had already let 270 people into the theater. Despite the fact that the theater was already full, though, the dickless idiots let another 200 people wait in line

Lovecraft, how does it feel to have an opinion be so completely wrong that it nearly turns the universe inside-out?

They weren't homoerotic magazines, they were weightlifting mags. But yeah, that sure was the implication. A stupid implication that Marvel should never have allowed, but there nonetheless.

Fuck all this. I'm going to Culver's.

You're the worst cheerleader ever. First of all, you're not even wearing panties.

Surprised you were able to type that so quickly, given those greasy fingers of yours.

The amount of funny a movie contains is inversely proportional to the number of exclamation points people use to describe it.

"The Password is…"
"Vicky Lawrence."

Spoken like someone that let David diddle you in an Arby's bathroom once.

Jake was the guy that used to be on Riptide.

How did this turn into a South Park bashing event? Because seriously, I don't care enough about U2 to defend them when you dickless jackanapes attack them, but speak ill of Trey and Matt and I will fucking cut you.

The Edge's answer… not yours, Jorge. Which was, as usual, awesome.

What a fucking nonanswer.

I would've hit my grandmother in the back of the head with a snow shovel to be a fly on the wall in that production meeting, where some ninny jackass suggested remaking "Take My Breath Away" for this movie. Fuck, the stunned silence alone after that suggestion would have been worth her pain.

I have decided to film an all-Jewish porn movie and call it Diddler On The Roof. Bonuses will be paid to all actresses and actors that can sing traditional Jewish folk songs and/or do anal.

If you don't dig multiplayer… will you like L4D?
I am not a big fan of multiplayer, since I prefer to keep my gaming a solo endeavor. The demo did NOT wow me on solo, but I'm willing to be persuaded.