Jane Smith

THANK YOU. This episode was a C at best. First we have the lamest plot twist of all time (Salome was bad? OMIGOD. Who knew???). And then some pretty strong telegraphing of another lame plot twist (when Bud Dearborn turns out to be "the dragon," who, honestly, is going to be surprised?).

Yeah, this is Sorkin at his finest - to create a lady news producer character who has been in the business for, judging by her age, at least 15, possibly 20 years, who presumably, like, went to college and stuff, but could somehow not be able to balance her checkbook, have to subtract on her fingers and literally know

Yeah, this is Sorkin at his finest - to create a lady news producer character who has been in the business for, judging by her age, at least 15, possibly 20 years, who presumably, like, went to college and stuff, but could somehow not be able to balance her checkbook, have to subtract on her fingers and literally know

Yes, yes, yes. Everything you said.

Yes, yes, yes. Everything you said.

Nah, too Buffy.

Nah, too Buffy.

His seeming anguish over her being bitten was the first display of emotion I've seen between the two of them.

His seeming anguish over her being bitten was the first display of emotion I've seen between the two of them.

My kid thinks Grandpa Argent is controlling the kanima, noting that he seemed to be repelled by the magic dust border. I'm not sure what Gramps' motive would be for killing a bunch of 20-somethings, but I wonder if this is an indicator that there's something supernatural up with Gramps?

My kid thinks Grandpa Argent is controlling the kanima, noting that he seemed to be repelled by the magic dust border. I'm not sure what Gramps' motive would be for killing a bunch of 20-somethings, but I wonder if this is an indicator that there's something supernatural up with Gramps?

My 8-year-old pointed out that Grandpa Argent seemed to be repelled by the magic dust perimeter, and now believes that Grandpa Argent is controlling the kanima.

My 8-year-old pointed out that Grandpa Argent seemed to be repelled by the magic dust perimeter, and now believes that Grandpa Argent is controlling the kanima.

Haters gonna hate.

Haters gonna hate.

Well, the real obstacle between Jack and Emily is that she's lied to him continuously, including allowing him to become involved in a romantic and sexual relationship with another woman based on said lies, in fact assisting Faux Amanda in coming up with more convincing lies and details to better deceive Jack. Having

Well, the real obstacle between Jack and Emily is that she's lied to him continuously, including allowing him to become involved in a romantic and sexual relationship with another woman based on said lies, in fact assisting Faux Amanda in coming up with more convincing lies and details to better deceive Jack. Having

The white-haired man knows Emily is The Real Amanda; that means faux-Amanda is safe from Riley and the other commandos. Wait, wrong show. Safe from the Americon Initiative. Yeah.

The white-haired man knows Emily is The Real Amanda; that means faux-Amanda is safe from Riley and the other commandos. Wait, wrong show. Safe from the Americon Initiative. Yeah.

I LOVED that for all of her supposed willingness to go scorched earth, putting anyone and anything on the line in pursuit of REVENGE!!!, when it's Nolan on the line she doesn't hesitate - his safety comes first.