Jane Smith

I LOVED that for all of her supposed willingness to go scorched earth, putting anyone and anything on the line in pursuit of REVENGE!!!, when it's Nolan on the line she doesn't hesitate - his safety comes first.

"Where is Takeda and why did he allow Amanda Clarke out of his sight? I hope the baby turns out to be his."

"Where is Takeda and why did he allow Amanda Clarke out of his sight? I hope the baby turns out to be his."

Yes, yes. I made noise about it in the comments. :)

I totally agree. And yes, while he's able to make deductions from faces and corpses, Adler entering the room nude served two purposes - he's unable to make deductions from her clothing but he's also deeply thrown. Sherlock is very uncomfortable with sexuality, and is clearly flustered by a nude woman. Not because he's

I always thought a fourth season, with Veronica as an FBI agent, would flop horribly. Veronica has always been perfectly willing, even eager, to operate outside the law when required. I think joining the FBI would take away some of her essential Veronica-ness.

I love this show, but I'm starting to have a problem with the basic premise.

Why does she need to choose? Personally, I think that's the dumbest conceit the show has. We're talking about an 18-year-old and her two vampire lovers - normal relationship logic does not apply. Why can't she be involved with them both?

Elijah is obvi the Salvatore sire. You can tell because of the hair.

Either way, it seems like Richmond's history with call girls could be a detriment to a successful political campaign.

This actor is great. Even when he's annoying he's great at it. I think he can sell the SPOILERS deteriorating situation at Winterfell later on, and I think he'll rock as ADWD Theon, assuming the series makes it that far…

I've got a strong suspicions that SPOILER Tyrion ain't gonna lose a nose in the tv show… an aesthetically pleasing scar, maybe. I don't think "hideously mutilated" works on tv.


I thought the whole Damon/Elena rescue scene was a bit derivative of the Buffy/Spike S7 rescue scene… But I suppose that the whole Damon/Elena ship is a bit derivative of Buffy/Spike, so it wasn't a deal-breaker as such.

Right?? Also the fact that Crazy!Alaric wrote a letter to Jeremy telling him that he should "continue the work" if something happened to Alaric - doesn't that sound awfully in media res? As though Jeremy is already in on the founder-murdering?

I saw that movie when it first came out and it still gives me the willies. Horrid, horrid movie. @avclub-13cd762222c50c46919c328c3dbf87b3:disqus , if I recall correctly, the implication was that the dad was molesting the baby, too. Horrid (but really well-done) film.

Generally, I have a giant soft spot for Logan, and thought Veronica should have bent more, but I totally got the Madison thing - thought it was actually a skillful piece of authentic relationship narrative. There's always that thing that you wish could be undone, right? The Big Thing, that you can't un-do or

I loved post-S3 Buffy as much as I loved S1-3. In fact, I thought S4 was especially brilliant. The whole season is about re-forming the group post-high school after the natural diffusion of tight high school friendships that takes place after college. Buffy et al question their connections, as they find new friends,

1) I thought the Cassie/Blackwell confrontation out by the docks was mega dumb. Your missing black magic father has suddenly returned, witch hunters are in town and *on your tail*, you destroyed the medallion that was, apparently, your only method of magical self-defense, you've recently begun wearing your hair in an

Dude, he didn't have to prove it, because she SENSED it.