Jane Smith

I thought about that, but I think the point was that the ritual wouldn't work on Klaus? So maybe Klaus could have just turned them all back into vampires?

Um, that they've invested that effort into literally every other regularly featured character?

I had a whole issue with this plotline. I mean, sure, the Salvatores love them some Elena. But they've also been hanging out with Bonnie on a regular basis for, what, three years now? It would have been nice to see a twinge of something at the thought of ending her life. Even an, "We can't kill Bonnie!" "But we have

Predictable - indeed. I actually turned to my husband and delivered a fair approximation of Elijah's line about how Esther made them vampires but SHE DIDN'T MAKE THEM MONSTERS just seconds before Elijah articulated the same sentiment. That's a bad sign.

Ripper Stefan didn't seem scary so much as… pathetic. Like, this? This is what you devolve to?

Yeah, Elena and Stefan had zip in the chemistry department. Ian Somerhalder, OTOH, has chemistry with *everyone*.

If you really, really want to have sex with a guy, and then when things get rolling he becomes scary and physically abusive, then yeah, it could easily stop being consensual.

Yeah, I was wondering if that meant all the other vampires would be dragged into it, and that's why Elena and the non-Scooby gang will have to stop OG Esther's plan.

I thought it was pretty clear that Cassidy raped Mac.


Ryan Hansen plays such a great douchebag. I think that's why Dick, though repellent, remains a viable character - his douchebaggery is so pure that you almost like him anyway.

Duh, Veronica goes to Hearst because it's in Neptune. That's why Willow and Buffy went to UC Sunnydale. Why Rory Gilmore went to Yale instead of Harvard - it's a convenient drive to Stars Hollow. And though I have only watched the first season of Gossip Girl, I would bet cash money that the protagonists all attend

I thought Cassie and Adam had undeniable chemistry in the first few episodes. But then it derailed, hard, right around the time Diana broke up with Adam so he could have sex magic with Cassie, and Adam became hellbent on getting her back. It kind of made Adam/Cassie seem super un-hot, when they were being set up to do

Seriously. In fact, this is how high TVD bar has been set - if there is not, at some point, TripleDobrev, I am going to be super disappointed. It may be a dealbreaker. Plenty of shows have an evil twin… who has an evil triplet? It would be record-breaking camptasticness. That is totally a word, btw. TripleDobrev must

Ah! Me too!! I just posted wondering if I was the only one who thought Alaric was the Secret Stabber… glad I'm not in this camp alone. A guy with a Ring of Eternal Life would totally stab himself to avert suspicion.

Am I the only one who thinks Alaric is the Secret Stabber? There was something about his behavior in the first post-hiatus episode that made me think something's up with him - how many times can you die and be brought back before you ain't right?

Without Winona, Raylan has no real reason to stay in Harlan. His Aunt Helen is dead, his father is a criminal douchebag, and he's making himself relatively noticeable on the radar of lots of entrenched hillbilly crime bosses who no doubt have tons and tons of history with both his family and the law.

I didn't really understand what the benefit to picking the second option was. It seemed to me that the choices are: 1) Don't get your hand burned with lye, and if you fuck up again I'll kill you. 2) Get your hand burned with lye, and if you fuck up again, that's ok.

Oh, that would be BRILLIANT. Speaking of films that take little but title and character names from the book…

My biggest issue with Bonnie is the way her jaw seems to be improperly aligned. Seriously, it makes my face hurt to look at her. Does no one else notice this, or are you all that much nicer than I am?