Jane Smith

I think the last name thing is a matriarchal witch thing. They may not have tons of money etc like the Mayfair Witches, but they certainly know they're witches.

That's what I've been theorizing for a while now. It would just be the original. But if Katherine is a doppelganger, that means that the original is out there somewhere. Yes, my friends… at some point, we will have not one, not two, but THREE Nina Dobrevs.

Wasn't she with her dad or something for the first episode or two of the season? Am I thinking of a different occult teenager show? It all runs together.

Dear Vampire Diaries:

Elena's blood is for making hybrids - Klaus' blood is for curing bites. Remember, when Damon got bitten, Katherine had to bring him a vial of Klaus' blood - that's why Stefan got involved with Klaus in the first place, so he could get Klaus' blood to save Damon.

Yes!! I have been screaming this forever - if Katherine was a doppelganger, then there has to be an original version out there somewhere. I thought it might be Klaus' mom, but we've seen that's not the case. Another sibling, perhaps? At any rate - at some point, there will - there must! - be THREE Nina Dobrevs

I thought about the fact that Klaus clearly has a soft spot for a feisty blond…

Agreed. I found the whole thing flat and sterile; was planning to keep up via Teti's reviews. As it is, I think I'm done.

Dexter's Dark Passenger isn't Moloch. Dexter's Dark Passenger, one infers from the text, is one of Moloch's offspring that escaped his prehistoric purge. Moloch inhabits the old professor guy and his band of Moloch cultists. Cody stabs the old professor guy.

Isn't Rat Saw God the episode in which, at the end, someone (Veronica? Keith?) finds a dead rat taped up under one of the bus seats? Doesn't that have some significance later? Mos def strange… was hoping for some discussion on the topic of taped rats.

I thought they deliberately kept Caroline in the dark so friend-of-Klaus Tyler wouldn't get word of the plan?

What's also cool is that Nina Dobrev does such a startlingly good, subtle job of differentiating Elena and Katherine that I sometimes forget it's the same actress - so when I read comments like "Nina Dobrev did both of them…" I have a moment of cognitive dissonance… seriously, who knew she could act?

Noel, you've done a brilliant job. I've sometimes wished I could un-see Buffy so I could have the pleasure of watching it again for the first time; following the series through your eyes was the next best thing.

Sophist, thanks for the trivia & analyses. You've been a great complement to Noel's reviews.

Love this show, but I don't know that I need to read weekly reviews of it. It's fun, not thought provoking. And I feel comedy doesn't tend to benefit from exegesis.

Question: When Stefan recovered from being staked, OUTSIDE THE TRUCK WITH THE COFFINS, why did he not just un-stake Elijah?

I think that Anna knowing about Michael must mean she's really the ghost of Anna.

I think dah_sab means the weird Harvard roommate. On Revenge, that is. I have the strange feeling that no one on TVD will be going to Harvard.

Is anyone else going to note the irony in seeming to criticize the quality of VD and then dropping a Heroes reference?

Because this is VD, I'm going to bet that Anna is actually "Anna," and is actually the bad one.