Jane Smith

I would like to reiterate my bet that another Nina Dobrev is somewhere in those boxes. I mean, Katherine and Elena have to be doppelgängers of *something*. And I'm betting it goes back to the originals.

It's the hair expectations. Katherine is curly, Elena is straight. (Oooh, symbolic.) Anyway, give Katherine a flatiron and we're all bamboozled.

And btw, $16/month for DVDs and streaming is still less than Netflix charged for three movies a month back when it started.

I don't think Hipster Douchebag has commented on this thread.

I was only born in the 70s once, which I was feeling pretty good about until I read this recap. Now I'm wondering if I should take another crack at it.

I'm kind of getting tired of the "Dawn's in trouble, must be Tuesday" plotlines for Caroline. She's better than that.

$5 says Klaus and Elijah's mum is the original Petrova.

Yachtsman. I love it.

I think one of the things that is troubling about the lack of writerly diversity is that the white male writing bloc is, in essence, imposing its notions about behavior of non white males via the dominant medium of our times. So, if white dudes write shows where blacks or women act in a certain way, how much does that

Also, I feel like Josh would eat peoples' faces if only he could get away with it. I think his charming veneer-filled smile is a facade. At any moment, that fake smile could drop away, and… face-eating.

I think it was time for Anya to win. Thus, she won.

Olivier's jacket was well-done, but I don't feel like it fit with the rest of the collection, which was generally fashion-forward and, to some degree, boxy. Then you have this beautifully tailored jacket (and isn't the no-shirt suit jacket thing played?) that could, frankly, be found in any department store at any

And more importantly, things didn't get dangerous until Tommy un-shifted back into himself. Could he have known that would happen? I think not.

Man, if he had been Sam's new girlfriend that would have been sweet.

Yeah, and doesn't Sam live in a trailer out back? Was there any actual reason why Tommy had to be laid out on a pool table to die?

HA!! I remember that. And I love what you just wrote. :)

I have said it before and I'll say it again: 90 percent of the problem with this show is because they cherry-pick plot or character points from the books, but don't bother with the back story or emotional build-up that earns said points. Sookie had a fairy godmother because she had a fairy godmother in the books. But

And the adult film industry is a very faithful representation of what women do in real life. Exhibit A: That weird backward crab position that's become so popular in recent years - every woman I know just can't wait to give that a whirl.


The explanation is: this is where the show starts to go South, fast.