Jane Smith

OK, you may all disagree, here, but I just had a revelation (prompted by this column: http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/… that Kathy Bates' character is actually an excellent and on-point metaphor for about 49% of American citizens' feelings about our president. I mean, the whole arc. Kind of brilliant, in that light.

That seems to be the logic. I don't get it.

I dunno, every time I've been trapped, cowering, in a supply closet (conveniently located just beyond the boiler room) while supernatural monsters had a smack down, and a brooding, blood-covered stranger in ripped, blood-covered clothing has approached me, I've been like, HOT DAMN. Where have you been all my life?

They're all over 21 IRL. :)

I thought the back half of S1 (from "Night School" on) was about as tight as any episode arc I've seen on TV.

From what I've read, the 22-episode season will be two 11-show arcs, not one 22-episode season.

Uh, I am a grown adult.

"Somehow, while he’s hanging out with them and helping them out, they never get around to mentioning that his daughter is out there somewhere in a state of shock, having just been informed by her ex-boyfriend that she was trying to murder him when Derek killed her."

But @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus , that's *your* mistake. The show has never told you that it was about Ned Stark (pretty demonstrably, it told you otherwise). And the show never told you that it was about avenging Ned's death. Once again, this is your assumption - Robb *looks* like a hero, so he

Robb, Ned and Catelyn think they're in Lord of the Rings. When they're actually in, I dunno, Apocalypse Now. I think Arya and Sansa have figured it out, though…

That was one of the best things I have ever seen on TV. Period. I actually had to rewind to make sure that the awesomeness I thought I had just seen actually existed.

Dylan O'Brien was on The New Girl a few weeks back. So happy to see him getting some exposure.

And with one of the same guys, to boot. Also, have you noticed that Arrow has *flawless* geek casting cred?

Well, she's Bianca Lawson, as @avclub-ddf39be6eb089c51636d28ea68254f5c:disqus noted, which is clearly a strong argument in favor. And she's related (right?) to MysteriousVet, who is clearly secretly a player… so, I figure she's probably got it, too. :)

I didn't think it was meant to be Ms. Morrell, because they showed Bianca Lawson in the "last season on Teen Wolf" segment, and surely they wouldn't have done that if there were going to be a surprise recast? I think we all need to broaden our minds to the idea that Beacon Hills can be home to more than one mysterious

You know, I find the show entertaining. There are shows that push the envelope, shows that redefine the medium, and then there are shows that are just fun to watch. For me, this show hits the right notes of campy teen drama horror. I mean, last night's episode featured one quasi-Taylor Lautner werewolf smushing into

FYI, the quote was, "It's how they share memories." "I don't remember anything." "It's also how they STEAL them."

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus , one of the problems in Detroit is that the taxable value of property in the city has dropped so much in the last 50 years that property tax revenue comprises just about 14% of total city revenues. It's more typical and much healthier for a city to get about 60% of its

Yeah, we have some great small businesses… also some major automakers and multi-billion-dollar corporations… ;)

Is there any reason why, in a review that's clearly marked as "for experts" and book readers, the book-related spoiler material is squished down into three bullets at the bottom? Seems like it sort of defeats the point of having two separate reviews.