Jane Smith

There's an implication that this faux-escape thing is a favorite of Ramsay's, I thought?

This show is really dumb with its handling of shifter powers. The finale was better than most episodes, but still - when Sam and Luna were in the cells, and Luna was all "I won't leave without Emma"… couldn't one of them have turned into a mouse, hopped over into Emma's cell, opened her puppy crate, gotten her out,

This show is really dumb with its handling of shifter powers. The finale was better than most episodes, but still - when Sam and Luna were in the cells, and Luna was all "I won't leave without Emma"… couldn't one of them have turned into a mouse, hopped over into Emma's cell, opened her puppy crate, gotten her out,

And, you know, when did Jason Stackhouse become a Grade-A commando? Did he go as an GI the year Ethan Rayne turned everyone into their Halloween costumes or something?

And, you know, when did Jason Stackhouse become a Grade-A commando? Did he go as an GI the year Ethan Rayne turned everyone into their Halloween costumes or something?

Yes, that is true. The discussions with the rest of you have definitely taken the sting out of the Phil reviews.

Yes, that is true. The discussions with the rest of you have definitely taken the sting out of the Phil reviews.

I actually feel, at this point, that no AV Club Teen Wolf review would be better than a Phil AV Club Teen Wolf review. It actually took me four days to read this review because I really enjoyed the finale (tho last year's was better), and I didn't want to have Phil tell me how shitty it was.

I actually feel, at this point, that no AV Club Teen Wolf review would be better than a Phil AV Club Teen Wolf review. It actually took me four days to read this review because I really enjoyed the finale (tho last year's was better), and I didn't want to have Phil tell me how shitty it was.

I thought that they killed the Kanima, so the werewolf transition that should have taken place (were it not subverted by Kanima-ness) then was able to happen.

I thought that they killed the Kanima, so the werewolf transition that should have taken place (were it not subverted by Kanima-ness) then was able to happen.

He's not shown to be a drunk; he's shown to be an old-school newsman of the type idolized by Sorkin and his ilk.

He's not shown to be a drunk; he's shown to be an old-school newsman of the type idolized by Sorkin and his ilk.

Exactly. We're not shown that they are talented, capable people. In fact, we are shown that Mackenzie:

Exactly. We're not shown that they are talented, capable people. In fact, we are shown that Mackenzie:

It's pretty hard to get past the fact that the plot resolution of this episode involved the public shaming and humiliation of a woman.

It's pretty hard to get past the fact that the plot resolution of this episode involved the public shaming and humiliation of a woman.

Yes, when I imagine wearing Gucci, I often imagine putting on a Gucci outfit, sitting behind a prop desk for a half-hour, and then taking it off. It's what all ladies dream of.

Yes, when I imagine wearing Gucci, I often imagine putting on a Gucci outfit, sitting behind a prop desk for a half-hour, and then taking it off. It's what all ladies dream of.

Wow. That happened? Because I've never watched The West Wing, and now I don't want to.