
So I'm a classical composer and these days, you can literally write stuff that sounds like shit to most people (including composers). For example: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Comment removed? Sorry to have missed that. Just like to say though, this is one of the most entertaining AV Q&A's ever. Kudos.

God knows I'll keep trying.

He's already stoned around the clock!

At least this would cut down on Dawes references.

all the ladies singin

Best. Vagina. Ever.

Felt, if your lightsaber is curved, that's perfectly normal.

was buck privates a typo?

I'm gonna tune in next week when Todd unleashes his libido (on omegle, probably).

Is this really what's happening? So the 6th or 7th will just be a slideshow of Daguerrotypes while someone plays honky-tonk piano in the background?

None taken.

…and was the basis for Lost.

I also found that one uncharacteristically dark. Esp. all the talk of death and fear of not returning when they leave for the moon. Herge did an amazing job showing the isolated and barren landscape of the moon and space though. Simply beautiful. It made me want to go there and discover a beautiful, dangerous ice cave.

I know right? It's like, am I in your mom's bedroom again or what? Ha ha. Yeah? Yeah?

Benign compared to La Vie Sexuelle de Tintin

Was that the first published in the states? I had a copy of it long before I read any of the others.

My favorites are The Calculas Affair and Red Sea Sharks. The first is absolutely hilarious, featuring Haddock and Calculas (the two funniest characters) in increasingly ridiculous gags that always get me. The second is just swashbuckling fun. Abdullah is always welcome too.

Huge coincidences like that are so common in Tintin that I've just chosen not to be bothered by any of them.

See? Their dumb field is more famous than they are. No bowls for them!