
There's still light coming in underneath the door!!!!!


Jules Pitt's uncle.

expecto silly hats!

So meta.

Damn it… see below.

Taylor Lautner? Would if I got the chance.

Very hard not to like every single comment on here. This was excellent fodder for us, O'Neal.

Eddie Murphy has the worst (best?) luck of all time.

Definitely don't even remember who Yoren even was…

Good listening, creative production, and not too "over-produced" like so much R&B. I can appreciate the vocals without wondering if they're completely fake.

That's some compelling imagery. You should be her lyricist.

Who left the cap off my fucking vaseline????

People who produce those shows are basically heartless, so what's the point.

It's that thing where you try to cram as many crappy pop stars as possible onto one stage and then watch them all die when it collapses.

I sympathize with the dopey football player who went to Nebraska… just like he always wanted!!!!!

I think you mean pitching or catching it.

I think a film score should stand on its own more in order to be recognized. Also, the most effective sequences used non-original music.

Also, Drive's score wasn't all that great, it just worked well in the film. Just the same as Sex, Lies, and Videotape. Tintin's and The Artist were much better. Plus, the artist is a lock to win.

Not to mention Tintin… best reviewed animated film of the year. AND really awesome. Stupid America.