
What I read instead of watching shitty movies:

No mention of Tony Goldwyn's psychologist character from Dexter who convinces his rich female patients to commit suicide?

I'm sure it's actually about failure and gets really cheesy and sappy in the end… but with hidden meanings so it's ok!!!!

That's why they need to make Lord of the Rings Risk: The Movie. No stronghold bias!

Yeah who's in that one anyway?

…who would totally be an ironic, interesting bat-villain.

That's not blood, per se..

tweeting it.

Britta looked like J Lo at new years two years ago.

Yeah, that makes sense.

"as opposed to others based on what?"

seasons 1 and 2, yo


All she had to do was look spaced out, eat pot cookies, and get seduced by Ryan Reynolds. I could have done that! In fact… most days I do.

Yeah what the hell??? The first Pirates movie was fun and entertaining, even Charlie and the Chocolate factory was fun in its way, but those pieces of shit had no business making that cash.

CancerAids, bitch!

does forbes ever even repeat lists? It'll just be filled up with the next cheapo franchise star flavors of the month.

I'd actually expect him to be on the overpaid, "not worth it" list.

I don't like musicals. I didn't like the last two christmas episodes.

Let's see… let's see… should I do cowbell? Dawes? Cock?