
Well here's an addictive little youtube channel

He's stingy with grades and we may not all agree with his analyses, but I think it's worth a lot that, unlike the previous film editor, he is able to string sentences together into coherent thoughts and arguments that reflect more than whatever mood he is in while writing an article or watching a movie.

It's tough. I miss a lot of the old staff, particularly Scott Tobias. However, the fresh blood has been nice. Dowd and Ignaty rule, and It's really nice to click on a film review or TV club entry for a show you've recently started watching and know for a fact that it isn't written by Nathan Rabin and therefore

It's always bothered me that The Clash are best known by the uninitiated for "Rock the Casbah" and "Should I Stay or Should I Go?"
Both songs are pretty annoying but the latter contains a verse that I've always found particularly irritating:
"If I go there will be trouble. If I stay it will be double."
Well Joe, sounds

Also he doesn't die. BOOM!!!!! DOUBLE SPOILER!!!!!

I can't believe these jerks spoiled a 20 year old movie that everyone I've ever met has seen. I truly feel for you.

What has eight arms and still can't play bass worth shit?

Oh My God. I have to comment here for the ages.
This movie is the most amazing piece of trash I've seen in ages.
Where to even start? Do I even need to start?

With a dry, cool wit like that you could be an action hero.

One word, Evel: Nordberg

Radiohead: Exit music for a film.
Jokingly told my bud I hoped they played it on the way to a 2006 show in Montreal.  He let me know they play it sometimes…and they did…and it was awesome

I'm gonna make another account to vote for ZMF again.
Really innovative with the right hand girlfriend line though.  I haven't heard anyone make that joke since a family friend everyone thinks has Asperger's made a dinner table full of people really uncomfortable with it.  And before that, I think  I heard it about 4

God dammit I just accidentally fucking liked you trying to click reply.

I think that's fine because he already stole it from himself, or one of the other writers… Can't remember who.  But a few years back on a video about the Last House on the Left remake, one of the dudes likened the film to Nickleback covering a Ramones song.  And why yes, I do have a hyper specific memory regarding

Haha, that cracked me up.  The bird in the final scenes was a cockatiel instead of a cockatoo.  I like to think the person at the bird rental shop screwed up, and the intern picking it up didn't know any better.

Haha, that cracked me up.  The bird in the final scenes was a cockatiel instead of a cockatoo.  I like to think the person at the bird rental shop screwed up, and the intern picking it up didn't know any better.

Yeah that I think that was probably the single most fucked up thing that's happened on this show to date and it bugged me out too.  Although, I think that scene also showed us the limits of Kim Coates' dramatic chops, and as a result, I was taken out of the moment a bit.

Yeah that I think that was probably the single most fucked up thing that's happened on this show to date and it bugged me out too.  Although, I think that scene also showed us the limits of Kim Coates' dramatic chops, and as a result, I was taken out of the moment a bit.

It has nothing to do with the refresh rate.  All the newer LCD's come with some various form of artificial dejuttering, generally called something retarded like MotionFlow or Cinemotion.