
"Jon Snow knows what “perpetuity” means, right?"

Aaaand the article got edited while I logged in to post that, so who's the asshole now (it's me)?

Someone has probably pointed this out, but the most recent film in this series was Furious 7, whose title also lacks the word "fast." This would not have been difficult to research.

The scene where he's in Spanish class, conjugating a verb, completely engaged, but also not doing a very good job is so hilarious to me. You can see that he's sweet, a bit dim, totally in the moment, and completely compliant. Basically the perfect candidate for manipulation by a pathetic, bitter authority figure.

Maybe Matt weirded her out because he was really obviously doing a pretty poor job covering an English accent and it was never addressed

I came hear to make the same joke, but with Point Break.

South Dakota cop guy suggesting that "we squeeze the lemons we got and use the juice to catch the big fish" was amazing. It takes some serious talent to write an expression that idiotic.

Or you could just rate on a scale of 1-5 and avoid this problem all together… he said 3 years later

I always read Ralph Fiennes' first name and heard it in my head as plain old Ralph, like Ralf Nader. Whenever I heard it pronounced correctly I heard it as Ray. This lead me to function for some time under the impression that there were two Fiennes brothers( Ralph and Ray), who I had a hard time telling apart.

I've enjoyed this show a lot so far, and Maslany is incredible, but I'm pretty scared the whole thing is going to self implode anyway. I just have a hard time imagining how we'll still have a compelling story a season or two from now.

Stone cold motherfuckin' classic.

I just want to thank the commentariat for understanding the point of charity auctions and not giving this guy shit because he got ripped off.
This truly is a special corner of the internet.

Every time this comes up I feel like making the following pedantic correction and I never do, but by golly I'm feeling saucy today, so I'm gonna go for it. Companies generally have one Chief Executive Officer who's in charge of a bunch of Chief_____Officers. So really we should all be talking about HBO's CTO

Former hooker working at a cell phone store.

If you broke your radius and ulna midway between your elbow and wrist, you could do it. You're welcome.

I watched Kill Bill Volumes I and II back to back on a recent day off and it was glorious.

One of my favorite comments in the history of the AV club was a second hand account stating that the crew of the film was openly referring to it as "Shit Fucker" during production. I can't remember where or when the comment occurred, but it makes me giggle every time the film is mentioned.

Looks like they're already out of money.

When one ends a statement by confessing to watching True Blood, he or she nullifies said statement.

Or why she continues to get work as an actress