
In your dream, did you know what eggs were?

For real.  Goofball comedies, almost as a rule, are technically bad movies with extremely similar plots, which leads to bad reviews, but that doesn't mean you won't laugh.  If a comedy comes out with people in it who you think are funny, you're pretty much guaranteed to get some degree of enjoyment out of it.  Screwed

Saw a quick clip on the daily show.  Julianne Moore doing Sarah Palin is a real guilty pleasure boner factory for me.

When I was 17 years old, a childhood friend/prospective girlfriend and I went to see A.I.  She's still one of my best friends, we made out one time in our early 20's, and she even introduced me to my wife, but I'm pretty sure something about enduring that film together was the end of any prospect for a romantic

That was awesome

That sounds amazing and I want to hear it.  Tried yahoo answers?

You can watch it on PBS' website.  'Bout 10 minutes in so far and I'm pumped I have something to do while nobody shows up for parent teacher conferences…. rad

Appreciate the honesty there regarding the Rogue/X-men fantasy.  I think a lot of us can relate.  Even the ones who will probably end up talking shit.

I love that he came up with the line "Take a look at my cousin.  He's broke, don't do shit."  That line makes me laugh more than almost anything else in that movie for some reason.  Always pleasantly surprises me when I find out actors came up with favorite jokes of mine.  If you listen to the Simpsons commentaries,

Not so much wack ass CGI gore this time please.  The fucking worst.

I always liked the shrink in Something About Mary, who sneaks in after eating lunch, hearing nothing Stiller's character said and then plants a seed of doubt about his sexuality in his head and sends him on his way.

Ok, Let's be friends now.
I'm in Utah, and I think the reason hollow points or the like are required is because lots of the hunting occurs in big open areas with lots of hills/mountains.  The DWR doesn't want people shooting a deer (we have big mule deer around here) or elk or whatever from 300 yards away and not being

Well, since this argument is actually happening, here we go.

This show treats gunshot wounds really flippantly sometimes, well… most times.  Oops, someone got shot, better "pull the slug" and stitch 'em up.  Shoot Opie in the fucking wrist where a bunch of bones and tendons and veins connect.  Drop him off at the emergency room.  "I'll pick you up later."

*trashes desk*

Dammit, you guys who keep saying that are thinking of ton tons.

Haha "I've only seen guns like this in my war games."
I'm pretty sure my mother or one of my teacher colleagues nearing retirement wrote that line.

^^^^ what he said

George Clinton probably pulls in some funky pussy indeed.