
One of my favorite things about The Sandlot is the ending.  I love how Benny grows up to be just like a pinch runner.  So rad and so much more believable than him being some superstar.

I came here to look at Julianne Moore and she's barely visible with a mouthful of hotdog.  Bummer

Good episode last night.
However, I was watching the first season again recently with a friend who's catching up and it got me wondering what the deal with that magic bum lady was and where the hell she ever went.

I made this one out of a dildo I found.

fuck you
Fuck You Noah
Nobody Cares

Ed Squeezebuzzer
I always liked Kelly Bundy on the fake game show.
"Daddy, I'm full."

Considering my awful taste in movies it's kinda incredible that I've never seen this, but I just watched the ending 8 minutes or so on youtube. Does Rourke have the whole Coliseum rigged with explosives or does the whole thing blow up because of a couple land mines?

Yeah nobody who's seen Mean Girls has much negative to say about it, but does anyone remember the trailer? Looked like a complete piece of shit just because of how it was marketed.

Glee is popular and arguably not terrible. My wife watches it a lot and I'll go on record as saying what I've seen is actually pretty funny. It reminds me of Mean Girls in that it's easily dismissed by people who haven't seen it and don't see themselves as the target audience, but pleasantly surprises those who do

Slow clap in appreciation of this thread.

Can't Read in a Dream
I remember my freshman year of college in intro to philosophy class there was this arrogant prick who was only 17 because he had skipped a grade and therefore thought we was automatically the smartest motherfucker in the room wherever he was. This kid and I were pretty much the only two people

This show totally embodies how tightly serialized TV sometimes leads to a total shitfest. The first two seasons held my interest because I'm a fucking nerd and I like superpowers, but during the plane crash episode in season 3 I was just like, "wait a minute, I fucking hate this show."

I have a friend who used to get black out drunk with great frequency. It was always a little scary because he went mute and lost most of his relate-able human emotions.

Ok, onto my other points, does ANYONE remember that Conan bit?
Thoughts on Furlong?


aaaaaand one more thing because I'm drunk. Did Norton to some roids for this part?
yay or nay?

Also, Furlong is pretty goddam good in this movie. Especially considering he was just some fucking kid the T2 casting director picked up at a boys and girls club because all the theater kids auditioning came off as such fucking pussies.

Anyone remember…
the Conan sketch from when this movie where Ed Norton is getting busted, turns around and transforms into a giant glowing Oscar statue? funny shit

OK, let me clarify a few things.
"establish" was a poor choice of words, I guess the movie did "establish" bejamin button, but as whoever said on this sight when they reviewed the movie, he had no identity beyond his condition. Just another gumpy way to make a innocent naive character experiencing historical

Benjamin Button
I watched the Curious Case of Benjamin Button with my wife, her mother and her little sister and all three of them were crying at the end. I turned around and yelled at them, "Why are you crying? nothing happened to anybody because this movie didn't establish a single character." not to mention the