
MLK by The Entrance Band. Catchy as fuck but once the lyrics get all spooky about the gummiment killing Martin Luther King I get irritated and feel like I can't play it for anyone.

I swear to god, I'll pistol whip the next person who says "Homo-Fem"

Good god this thread and review are bullshit. You people really think this film needs a more objective view about Japanese whale and dolphin slaughter? Shit's fucked up, plain and simple.

It's pretty fun to listen to if you're remotely into either band. I like it because it gives me a second chance to be into dark side of the moon 10 years after I totally murdered it as a wide eyed high schooler.

A few years ago my friend was in Chicago and there was a band playing at a bar called SLUNT.

My theory on the key throwing thing has always been that keys are so easy to catch that it makes sense to throw them. A bunch of keys on a ring turns into this big pliable thing that you're almost guaranteed to catch no matter where you grab it, like a beanbag or something. If they hit your hand at all, you're gonna

The Planet of the Apes remake is clearly his best movie ever… actually probably the best movie ever made in the history of time.

If you watch it with BJM commentary it's pretty fucking funny to listen to them take the piss out of the DW. My personal favorites were "Put a fucking shirt on" when Courtney is walking down the street saying something about "if I'd only been a little smarter," or during the scene when Courtney is nuzzling Anton in a

holy shit that was awesome warren

Also… after actually reading some (I'll finish after wakey-time tomorrow) of your article I want to say thanks for sharing and I truly have been looking forward to reading your book for a good while now. Thanks for everything and I'm pretty envious of the life you've made for yourself.

@ banned in DC, I hear you on the picture thing…
so sad that we've been making all these jokes and Nathan himself obviously suffers from canceraids…..
kidding… and I'll totally buy your book Mr. Rabin.

On an old (is there any other kind?) episode of the Ben Stiller Show, he did a sketch about McClane going to the grocery store, only to hear over the loud speakers that the store had been taken over by terrorists.

Yeah this movie rules pretty hard. Fits right in with True Lies at the end of the era of classic action movies that started in the early 80's and ended in the mid 90's. Bruce and Arnie never kicked anywhere near as much ass ever again.

Thank you for providing the comment I was looking for. I can only listen to The Soft Bulletin if it's nice outside.

It's really easy to be first…
on a book review.